
Personal Project

When I started at the Creative Academy, I had a general idea about what direction I wanted to head toward. Now I feel an extraordinarily strong pull towards writing and directing films. If I had to start a personal project now that lasted throughout the duration of my time in this program, I would without a doubt choose to make my own personal short film. I want to make a film that reflects who I am and can act as a vehicle for my self-expression that I have never had before. I would love to tell the stories swimming around in my head for others to experience for themselves.  

If I was aiming for a 30–40-minute runtime, then it would probably take me most of my time in the program to finish it. I suppose I will gain skills and knowledge throughout my progress that could potentially speed up my process but balancing it with the demands of my classes I think approximately two years is a fair estimate. That would allow me time to develop a plot, write the screenplay, story board, gather cast and crew (mostly friends and fellow creatives working voluntarily), get equipment, shoot, and finally edit the film. 

Other than time this project would require equipment: cameras, mics, lights, tripod, etc. I would need to make time for strengthening my screen writing skills as well. I would likely need at least some outside funding to help accomplish my goal, with that I could potentially pay a knowledgeable actor. Lastly, I personally would need a lot of vocal support from friends, peers, and loved ones. As self-motivated as I am, a daunting long-term project like this could take a toll on my confidence and it would be rather easy to just put it down and never pick it back up. So, that support would help propel me to my loftiest ambitions for the film.  

In terms of funding and depending on the story I choose to tell my budget could vary wildly. For the sake of frugality, let us say I choose to tell a modern story with minimal visual effects, where all the characters just wore their assorted actors’ clothing then I think I could get away with <$1,000 for the whole thing. This is also assuming I have access to most of the equipment I need in the cage. I am a scrappy person and can accomplish most things on a shoe-string budget. 

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