
Career Spectrum

I found the lecture from Joe Hallock and company to be very insightful. While I do not see myself entering the design world in the future, much of what they said can be applied to film and photography too. When I look to the future and think about my career aspirations, I mostly see myself working in the television and film industry. I have increasingly found myself attracted to directing and cinematography and cannot wait to flex more of those creative muscles. Joe mentioned the spectrum displaying the types of work to expect in a corporate work environment. On that spectrum I would likely put myself in the “High Information Density”/” Broad Audience” quadrant. That seems to me the most likely place that film and television would fall. I am interested in creating media (films, especially) viewed by a broad audience. One of the examples he listed in that same quadrant was video games. That is another branch of media that I would be incredibly interested in learning more about. Not necessarily designing games, but I could easily see myself directing or editing one in the future. Especially these days where video games and film are aligned in a way that has never been possible before the current game engines that are utilized today. The downside for this quadrant though is that so much of the “success” that comes from these products is based on a general audience’s opinion. If nobody is interested in the game, show, or film you created then it would become a lot harder to convince people to let you make another. Throughout the rest of my time in this program and as I navigate my career moving forward, I am excited to try my hand at all these roles and hopefully find a place to be successful. At the end of the day though, I do not want to measure success in viewership, box office numbers, or public opinion. I want to feel successful by sticking with my integrity and creating media and art that has a voice that will speak to someone the same way it speaks to me when I create it. 

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