
Saying “Yes”

A time that I said “yes,” despite the circumstances of not being prepared enough or feeling inadequate for the job is when I decided to create a film for the bike trip I’ve been planning for five years to do with my little brother. Honestly, I was tired of the outdoor media industry overlooking underrepresented communities, I never saw a bikepacking film with faces that looked like mine. So, I decided to make my own. I loved making films throughout high school but never considered it as a career path.

I was fully prepared to self-fund my project, spent money on the gear and self-taught the technical skills for a few months before starting on my bike trip. I was determined to make it work. But a month and a half before the trip started, things started to fall into place when I somehow received funding from a major bicycle company and it snowballed from there. I was receiving continuous support after all of the work I’d done to pitch my idea, make a deck and put my work out there, fearlessly. It was a dream come true, I pitched my project to someone I didn’t know and hoped that something would come out of it. All it takes is one.

A slide from my “Riding Han” film pitch deck

With the funding, I could hire a friend to join us and be the videographer, support my 17-year-old brother financially and bring other Korean American creatives onto the project. It really became my passion project and I became fully invested in this film dream. Not only did we have a once of a lifetime experience on this 2 month’s bike trip. I have the honor to capture it and share it with the world with my own creative control. Who gets a chance like this, especially for their first film? So, just doing it and saying “yes” manifested all of this.


Week 2

When I think about my creative career based on the spectrum shared by Joe Hallock, I immediately think about whom I want to impact, not where I aspire to work. For me, I am a “why” person. There has to be a good reason why I’m doing something. If the why doesn’t align with my values or I find it meaningless then I’m not interested. I’ve worked in over 12+ jobs, in different careers and continents searching for this why. Once there is a solid reason why nothing else matters.

Questions like:

-Why am I getting paid so little?

-Why am I doing this for free when I can be getting paid so much more?

-Why did I move across the world for this?

-Why am I living with so little when I can be making more $ with a soulless job?

Go out the window.

If the purpose is there, I am here for it no matter how tiring or dirty the job is/was. Once I find out my why doesn’t align with my purpose, value, or interests I move on. This brings me back to this very corporate-looking diagram, I’d rather be doing work that is purposeful and/or for a good cause for little money than trying to do why-less work for a lot of money. I’ve done this for the past 10 years and have no desire to change/upgrade my minimal lifestyle for purposeless work until different life circumstances need me to.

So, yeah I guess the spectrum doesn’t matter as long as there’s a why. But of course, having creative work that inspires and interests me is always a plus but that’s not my priority.



I had a hard time coming up with anything from the inception of the assignment. It felt a bit difficult as we’ve only been students for 2 weeks, how could we sum up an experience when we just started? But as visual mediums have always done, they provide insight and understanding into a world or perspective. So I just decided to go with a vlog piece, although it’s something I abhor, what better way to depict an experience, fully raw and in the moment?