

I’ve learned a lot about the overlap of film and design working on my own film. I hired several designers –to work on my film poster, chapter titles, and map animation. As I don’t have that skill set myself, it is imperative that designers are the backbone of what goes behind making a film. Without the support of designers, I would be completely lost on how to formulate the aesthetic of my film. It is very essential to collaborate within both worlds. As my partner is a graphic designer, I constantly ask for help with layout, text composition, and animation. After experiencing all of this and finding my focus wanting to be video editing, I truly realize the collision of both worlds. Especially after spending hundreds of hours editing my own film.


Leadership Principles

Frugality: I would have to say frugality is my theme that overarches my entire life whether that is finances or trying to come up with an idea that costs enormously less time or money. But for a real-life example, I would have to say my current project decided to learn the skills of video editing myself instead of paying someone to do it for my film. I am going to school to learn more about visual media but paying myself, although it is taking a drastically long time is within my control to create what I want for the final product.

Learn and Be Curious: I am the type of person who always wants to be learning and growing within my own career and personal development. Instead of deciding to go to school first, I decided to just invest in myself and learn how to film while being within the project. I tend to learn the most through trial and error and messing up so first-hand experience always seems to work best for me.

Dive Deep: I had to do this trying to become an educator whether that was in the classroom or as a guide. I don’t mind being thrown in the deep end and trying to figure things out on my own. I’ve always been the one to wear a lot of hats and try to find resources and support to make it through. This is also the hardest for me as I suck at asking for help so if I have to dive deep than I tend to lean towards doing it solo.