

In this week, I was stuck on the Graphic Translation Project in the illustration class. But this Monday, I got inspiration by the process of listening to a story and drawing it with  the pen which no leaving the paper. Jason said, “just let your hand draw and your hand will tell you how to draw”

Inspired by this, I started doing some sketches on the way to school and drawing how I felt when I saw different things. It helped me a lot even on the first day I tried it.

In term of “Mashup”, I think why don’t I draw the video  I took from every spot I have travel to. This behaviors started from the first week to Seattle? It is a huge collection in my phone and have not being edited  and reorganized before.

As far as “Mashup” project goes, I thought why didn’t I draw the video I took from every place I’ve been. This behavior from the first week to Seattle? This is a huge collection in my phone that hasn’t been edited and reorganized before. Then, I make the video below. It shows my first month living and studying in Seattle.

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