2023 Winter

Blog assignment #3 Personal Project

In terms of a personal project which I could start now and continue working on during my time at the Creative Academy, I would like to say AI generated poster design.  Nowadays, GPT and Midjourny is becoming more and more popular. I saw a video last week which is about earning money by selling Midjourny-generated poster in Etsy. The first thing is searching idea for poster in specific scene via GPT. With the help of GPT, I can reduce the time to brainstorm what kind of poster I would like to make. And then, input the idea of poster into Midjourny, wait for it to generate and select the specific image I like. When I get my poster, sell it in Etsy.

I think it could be a daily project for me.  But the problem for my not start it is I always feel tired after school and feel hard to concentrate. The information I received in the daytime is nearly full in my brain. To solve the problem of timing, I think I should get into the habit of waking up early like Erik who wakes up at 5 or 6 am to some personal project before my brain and body feel overload.

Talking about how much would this project cost to produce, I think it is zero. 

OK, let’s start it.

AR Design Module

AR World UFO Day Card

In this project, we made an AR World UFO Day Card via the Adobe Aero. We add different kind of triggers, like tapping and proximity enter, to make the card more tangible and interactive. Besides, I use lots of characters with dancing animation in space background music. I have fun when I was designing it. At last the characters with animation make it more vivid than the normal 3D card.

Here is the video we would like to share:

Scan and try the AR experience:


Google Maps Review


Google Maps AR or Live View is designed to let you use augmented reality to help you navigate when walking. 

It uses the camera on the rear of the phone to identify where you are, superimposing direction and details on the display, rather than just presenting you with a map.

What UI/UX items can be improved:

1.  It is hard to notice the entrance.

2. To see the AR instructions you need your phone up and pointing at the street in front of you – and you can’t walk like that.

What I think they did well :

 UI: Clear and high-contrast  user interface

Outdoors: A replacement for a compass.  Sometimes compasses in phones (especially Android phones) just aren’t that accurate and are prone to interference, so getting the initial walking direction right using only a compass can be a challenge. AR Navigation, in addition to the cool 3D visuals overlaid on a camera, really is a big help.

Indoor: When GPS doesn’t work indoors, it figure out your location and identify what floor you’re on. In the demo, it tells someone where the escalator is and to go down a level to reach their terminal.


Hey, Let’s Go to a Picnic

 This AR video is  for  the Memory of Summer in 2022.

Please watch the video by EyeJack.

If you can not watch by EyeJack, here is the scream recording.

It was a nice summer. My niece always looked forward to the weekend and she always said,“Let’s go to a picnic.” My family would always grant her little wishes. And I recorded what a happy, contented little girl.

The interesting part of it is I taught my niece to count from 1 to 10 in English for the whole summer but she always skipped the number 6. I think when she grows up, she will speak fluently.