2023 Winter

Blog assignment #5

As someone with a background in UX design, I have developed strong hard skills in this field. My expertise in UX design, along with my familiarity with design guidelines, make me a valuable asset to any company looking for a designer who can create human-centered products that deliver specific results. These technical skills are important in getting me the interview and showing my ability to perform the job.

However, I understand that in today’s competitive job market, it’s not just hard skills that matter. Soft skills, such as logical thinking and analysis, and project management, are just as important in securing and thriving in a job. These skills have been honed through my experience as a UX designer, as I constantly need to analyze user data and manage projects from start to finish.

Going forward, I want to continue to grow my skills in artificial intelligence techniques and aesthetic design. These hard skills will not only increase my value as a designer but also enable me to tackle new and exciting challenges in the field.

In addition, I recognize that improving my communication and persuasion skills is crucial for my success as a designer. Being a bilingual speaker, I sometimes struggle to adapt to English-speaking work environments, but with improved communication skills, I’ll be able to more effectively convey my ideas and opinions. Persuasion skills are also crucial in collaborative settings where conflicts may arise. By having the ability to persuasively guide a project to success, I can ensure that everyone is on the same page and working towards a common goal.

In conclusion, both hard and soft skills are essential for success in any field. My background in UX design has allowed me to develop strong technical skills, but I understand the importance of also focusing on soft skills such as communication and persuasion. With continued growth in both areas, I am confident in my ability to succeed in my future endeavors.

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