2023 Winter

Blog Assignment #6

Reflecting on an experience where I failed to meet the expectations of a project, I’d like to share a story from my time as an interaction designer in a high-tech company. Our monthly product requirement review meetings were crucial in ensuring we were meeting user needs and explaining how the interaction worked. However, during one such meeting, the product manager delivered the document late, leaving me with no time to design the wireframe properly before the looming deadline. I did my best to complete the project with the same quality as before, but had to compromise due to time constraints.

Looking back, I realize that I should have prioritized the most critical aspects of the design to complete the project on time. To do so, I should have reviewed the product requirement document and identified the functions that the developer needed to finish the next month. I would then have focused on designing the essential elements of the main page and ensured that all of them were included, leaving the design of feedback until the next meeting.

During the meeting, I should have collaborated with the engineer to address any technical problems and modify the design accordingly. After the meeting, we would have announced any changes made in the group chat. I now realize the importance of effective time management and prioritization to ensure that all projects are completed on time and to the best of my abilities.

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