2023 Winter

Blog assignment #9-Who am I?

Hi, I’m Fawn. I used to design software products for businesses to make them easier to use. It was an interesting job, but something was missing. I realized that what I really wanted was to focus on my creativity and artistic side.

That’s why I decided to go back to school and become a graphic design student at Seattle Central College. I love being able to combine my technical skills with my creativity to create beautiful and effective designs. It’s a perfect fit for me.

I have big dreams for my future in the design world. I want to be an art director and brand strategist in a design agency. It’s a position that will allow me to use all of my skills to their fullest potential. I want to help companies create beautiful and effective brands that truly represent who they are.

Why do I want to do this? It’s simple. I want to keep the passion in design alive. It’s easy to get bogged down in the day-to-day grind, but I never want to lose my love for creating beautiful things. Being an art director and brand strategist will allow me to continue to do what I love while also helping others achieve their goals.

So, where do I want to go from here? Well, I’m excited to see where my career takes me. I know that I have a lot to learn and a lot of hard work ahead of me, but I’m ready for the challenge. I want to work for a design agency that values creativity and innovation. I want to be a part of a team that pushes boundaries and creates something truly unique.

In closing, I just want to say that I’m excited for what the future holds. I’m passionate about design, and I can’t wait to see where this journey takes me. Who am I? I’m Fawn, a graphic design student turned art director and brand strategist. What is it that I want to do? I want to use my skills and creativity to help others create beautiful and effective brands. Why? Because I want to keep the passion in design alive. Where do I want to go? I want to work for a design agency that values creativity and innovation.

2023 Winter

Blog Assignment#8 – Social experimentation videos

“Breaking Stereotypes” – Pair people up with someone they wouldn’t normally interact with based on stereotypes or assumptions. Have them get to know each other and share their experiences.

Why it will elicit an interesting response: Breaking stereotypes is a topic that has become increasingly relevant in our society. By pairing people up with someone they wouldn’t normally interact with based on stereotypes or assumptions, we can see how their preconceptions and biases influence their interactions and how they can break down those barriers to find common ground. This video concept can spark meaningful conversations about diversity, inclusivity, and empathy.

In terms of participants, we should select them base on the survey. Before they take part in, they should make a sequence about who they rarely interact with in this whole academic year. Then, we could also pair participants up according to their lists and let them talk about the specific stereotypes to see how their assumptions and expectations are challenged.

The “Breaking Stereotypes” video concept has the potential to elicit interesting responses by challenging participants’ assumptions and biases. By pairing people up with someone they wouldn’t normally interact with, we can create meaningful interactions and spark conversations about diversity, inclusivity, and empathy. With a diverse group of participants and a comfortable space to film, we can capture a good sense of how the prompt will work and create a thought-provoking video.

2023 Winter

Blog assignment #7-Metaverse

According the information of Taco Bell Metaverse Wedding, I have joined the Decentraland Events Platform. I think it would be fun and interesting to see what was happening.

I would like to talk about the experience and feel when I join the Platform.

Firstly, it was such a pity that I did not watch the wedding because I always have dinner in 7 PM which is the time for the event. But keeping the feeling of curiosity, I have joined the platform in the daytime twice. What is wired that there is no people show up in the daytime. Finally, i have join the platform at 8 PM. What make me feel no good is there are lots of people grouping together and gambling. Wow, it makes sense for me. It is a kind of entertainment which attracts user to join Metaverse.

Secondly, I think Metaverse is something far away from the human life. It is not the technique could be widely used for recent future. When I was basically just wondering around, instead of thinking about finding someone and have a chat with them in the Metaverse, I think it will be great to see what will make people spend their time in the Metaverse. In other word, during this process, I did not think people were trustworthy. It might be because I could not see people’s faces and everything for me was fake.