2023 Winter

Blog assignment #3 Personal Project

In terms of a personal project which I could start now and continue working on during my time at the Creative Academy, I would like to say AI generated poster design.  Nowadays, GPT and Midjourny is becoming more and more popular. I saw a video last week which is about earning money by selling Midjourny-generated poster in Etsy. The first thing is searching idea for poster in specific scene via GPT. With the help of GPT, I can reduce the time to brainstorm what kind of poster I would like to make. And then, input the idea of poster into Midjourny, wait for it to generate and select the specific image I like. When I get my poster, sell it in Etsy.

I think it could be a daily project for me.  But the problem for my not start it is I always feel tired after school and feel hard to concentrate. The information I received in the daytime is nearly full in my brain. To solve the problem of timing, I think I should get into the habit of waking up early like Erik who wakes up at 5 or 6 am to some personal project before my brain and body feel overload.

Talking about how much would this project cost to produce, I think it is zero. 

OK, let’s start it.

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