
Spencer Glenn

On Friday last week, guest speaker and also an alumnus at SCCA in 2019 Spencer Glenn totally changed my mind in this design industry. Spencer Glenn’s story had inspired me a lot, from how he landed the first job after graduate to how he got the full-time job at Brook. Before, I never though of the power of social media could land us job or get our name bright in this competitive industry. I’ve been posting my artworks and design stuffs on social media since 2019 but not really be serious with it, just did it for entertainment purposes. From now, I’ve to pay more attention to the social media promotion strategy. Social media is a significant tool for designers to market ourselves and to get our name out there. I use social media quite often so I believe it wouldn’t take me a long time to learn.

This is my “brain dump” of ideas. I did it in a really short amount of time not over 20 minutes. These are my goals, my personal promotion strategy and all the things that I must get done before graduate and after.

For the first step, I would try hard and work hard at SCCA. As a designer, I think learning and inspiring are never enough. Read more book. Set a challenge for myself, for instance doing daily poster, or doing anything that can train my creative in daily. SCCA gives us access to try and get our hand on many different projects. For example: UI/UX, magazine design, or poster design, etc. Of course, I will take that as a way to discovering myself to get to know myself more about what the specialization in graphic design has actually fit me. Second step, I would use my 2nd year at SCCA to dive into that particular area as well as publishing my artwork on my social media and my own website. Third step, searching for company or agency that fit me well. Last step, build my portfolio and publish it on social media or use it to apply for the company/agency I’m seeking to work for.
Time management is something that I need to pay attention too. Homework are overload, and sometimes I forced myself sitting on computer working 13-14 hours in a day even forgot eating and it killed me. My expectation is too high. I must learn to balance all things in my life.

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