
Personal Brand

My brand is:

Eye-catching: eye-catching look in design is really important to me; your client maybe don’t have any knowledge about design and may not know any principle of design, but I’m sure they will know what looks beautiful and what doesn’t. Yes, but as a designer create something with eye-catching look isn’t enough, the ideation and meaning behind that is matter too. In my opinion, these both elements have always come together in order to create a fabulous design. I’m still learning to put more meaning into my design instead of just eye-catching looks.

Friendly: Don’t know why, but my design/illustration always have a friendly look; maybe my art/design just speak out for my personality 🙂

Chaotic: I’m a person always overthink something, my brain just works in a complex way, my art/design just guide by my brain. But I love it, I love the chaos in design 🙂

My brand isn’t:

Minimalist: Don’t hate minimalist, but somehow my brain doesn’t work that way. I really admire how people convey a complex idea through a simple design.

Exclusive: No matter who you are, where’re you from, my brand always welcomes you, and always have stuffs available for you, no exclusive, be fair, everyone are the same. Even though I love sneaker from Nike, I could say Nike is the worst company, the game become unfair since their run the exclusive thing on their app, if you used to use SNKRS app from Nike, you will know what I’m talking about.

Not too colorful: Using just a fair amount of color for the brand is good, and always have a good reason behind why you’re using it; our brand has to be recognizable, the more color we are using, the more our brand being unrecognizable. Let look at Starbuck, Supreme, etc.

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