
Spring Blog assignment #1

Group name: The Great Kings (Hoang Tuyet Tran Cao, Giang Le, Kamy Vu)

Characters: Dylan, who picked the worst costume, regret it immensely, and everyone knows.

Prop: Candle. 

Line: “This is why we can’t have nice things.”

Title: The Uninvited Guest.

Group decision ideas: Individual

We initially came up with total of 4 different ideas and the best two ideas were pick out by Courtney and Erik. We together as a group narrowed the ideas out again and just picked the one, we think the best.

Process in creating the storyboard: Our team will meet on zoom or maybe in-person after class. We together will discuss what scenes, and what shots would best for our project; one person will draw out the storyboard out; the others two will be the directors.
Process in creating the script: This time the one doing the storyboard would be the director. We together discuss and the other two will together write the script as we go through each scene.

Software, audio, shots, and equipment will be used for the Blender project: We’ll figure out what camera to use for our project but so far, we have two options:
-Samsung Galaxy Note 20+ camera or iPhone 13 camera.
– Go Pro 4.
Premiere Pro for editing video, adding sound effect. Maybe using After Effect to create some cool text animation for intro and outro. Voice recorder for recording our voice afterward.

Test and try out any new ideas/effects: So far, I think we’re in a good spot. Our idea is realistic enough and maybe don’t need to include a lot of crazy effects. We focus on the story telling and there would be a ton of ideas come out while the filming process.

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