

Time flies fast, I still remember the first day when we first met each other over zoom and shared out our background before came to SCCA. I seem so nervous at first because everyone around me is so good and so creative. The thing that caught me anxiety the most are most of the classes wrap up a project with a formal PRESENTATION, or some classes have presentation every week. I was so stress and too obsessed with the presentation, first because I have to present my work by the second language that I feel like I don’t get the in fluency enough; second, I felt unconfident and scare to stand in front of a crowd to talk even if I present in my first language, every words running out of my mind, and I felt vibrating; third, presentation and communication are my weakest point since I didn’t get any training since I was in my high school, I acknowledge that. BUT, in the end of first year, the obsession with the presentation that I had in the beginning of the year was gradually faded out. I feel more confident, I know how important of presentation and communication skills are to a designer; If I don’t try to overcome this by myself then no one can’t help me out.  I’ve reached out to few seconds year student asking some presentation tips and tricks, try to practice by myself, write down a brief about what I need to say for each slide.  Now, when I look back, even I’m still not 100% get rid of the fear while presenting but I can see my progress and I feel more confident with presenting. I’m proud of that.

 I’ve done several designs works before started my journey at SCCA. I know how to use the tool (AI, PS) before coming to the program and I thought just knowing the tool is enough as a designer, but I’m WRONG. After first year, I realized a designer is just another term for a problem solver, because I help people solve their problem rather than just make something look beauty.  And now, I’m still feel not good enough at solving problems for people. I think I’m now leaning more about the visual designer rather than content creator, or UI UX designer.

Over the past year, I’ve many opportunities to find out my own illustration taste and develop that, I love vector art, I love drawing in Adobe Illustrator and make awesome things with just some basic shapes and colors.  That’s something I’m feel grateful after first year, over the projects I finally find out my own style, which is something that I stuck the most before coming to SCCA.

There are many small fields and specialization in graphic design, and I know what graphic design specialization I’m more interested in. I know what I’m strong and what not. I’ll keep learning and developing the things that I’m interested in over the summer in order to good at this. Know more on,

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