Adobe Aero Card project

AR Project #4

Another AR experience I like! It’s actually pretty fun and satisfying to put the animations together, trying to figure out the puzzle to get the results you want.

The idea:

I’m afraid mine is pretty simple, but I wanted to make something for Christmas since it’s that time of the year again! I saw the drop shapes and instantly thought they’d make fantastic ornaments. I thought quickly and knew I wanted to a card which would be simple to use and elegant, with all the gold and the delicate snowflake.

The process:

I needed a refresh on the process but I got into a groove pretty quickly! Luckily for my sake I remembered using the folder feature and that saved lots of time with those drops since there were a lot of those little drops!

The rest of it was pretty straight forward – adding Copper into the mix was pretty fun, but I did run into some issues with her which I’ll get into later.

I also added this GIF to make it clear for the viewer to know what to do when they see the snowflake.


So Copper didn’t want to cooperate XD. My original plan was to have her walk up to the snowflake and point at it, but unfortunately the animations for the direct-able characters aren’t working and a quick google search showed that this is an issue for other users too. So I had to keep it simple and only use the move feature for Copper.

Copper is a free thinker and takes her own path in life – when I previewed it on the app I couldn’t get her to go in the right direction no matter what I did XD. This is what it was supposed to look like:

At the end of the day, I had some fun with this! Like eyejack, I think it’s another AR tool I’d like to use in the future since I’m finding this all pretty fun and fascinating!

As for Copper, I’m pretty sure there’s no thoughts in that copper skull, she’s just happy to be here. XD

I also just realized that this is our last class with you, I wish I would’ve done this assignment earlier so that I could put more ideas into it, but here we are. 😅 Thank you for introducing us to the world of AR, I liked how you kept the class very simple, to the point, and also not too stressful!

Thank You GIFs |

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