2024 Spring – Blog Assignment #5

Food trucks – timeless across the multiverse

The ask – design a food truck for a restaurant and construct the finished piece with our own wee hands. An idea inspired by the one and only Yadesa Bojia, who was one of my favorite guest speakers this quarter actually – was awesome to hear a sort of heart to heart with a fellow artist, less talk of corporate stuff. Although, I totally see the value in hearing about the more material world as well. 

At first I thought I’d pick an existing restaurant but my first idea wasn’t panning out. All I could think about was sleep when brainstorming (brainslogging more like it) ideas for this (I wonder why I think to myself as I write this at 1:37am).

Irony aside, I originally wanted to do a food truck for Kava, which is a drink I enjoyed during my time living in Fiji – it’s a root plant which tastes like soapy dish water to some and bitter herbiness to others with a distinct numbing sensation. Besides all that, it’s THE social drink in Fiji and there’s no social gathering you’d find without it. 

A drawing I made a couple years back (omg, make that 6 years ago) while still in Fiji – an offering of Kava in a coconut shell and a warm smile

The reason I was thinking about it is because one of the side effects of kava is a sort of sleepy, calm vibe (no it’s not a drug of any kind, more like a very strong camomile tea effect) and I made the mistake of drinking some once before doing an assignment in the evening and could barely keep my eyes open. Which was probably attributed more to the 4-ish hours of sleep I was rocking that night than the kava tbh.

So yes, it would be awesome for sleep, only if I had the time for that. Hehe.

But, without finding any restaurants or kava bars in Seattle, I had the sudden idea to go right off track and go with something else close to my heart – Loki, or more specifically the “Loki” TV series. 

I CANNOT get over the color scheme of this show and this one scene with these super vibrant turquoise key lime pies has stuck with me. Although, I’m not sure how appetizing they look – aesthetically though they’re fire. 

So I rolled with that idea and this is the result!

Here, if they don’t eat the entire supply, multiverse migrants Loki and Mobious serve up these citrusy treats with Thor and Rocket at the wheel, one of which seems to be having a bad case of Road Rage. The colors of the truck were grabbed from the pie posters, which I was super stoked to find ready for me to steal (fair use for education, c’mon!) from the web.

This was good practice on masking with shapes, which I did to color in the side windows and also round the edges of the screen grabs of Thor and Rocket! It was also my first time using the paint bucket tool which was an absolute god send for this assignment.

Would you eat a slice of this timeless and also terribly vibrant key lime pie? 

Well, no matter what your answer was, there’s probably a variant of you in the multiverse who would say “hell yes.” XD

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