Blog Assignment 03

Time Tracking

This was pretty interesting to look over, I’m glad I was honest with myself about the times even when I wasn’t proud of them, such as spending 6 hours total one day just watching YouTube. 🙈 It’s always been my way to take a break from it all and just zone out, but I think there’s a fine line between relaxing and avoiding. I think I tend to do a lot of the second one lol.

I definitely wasn’t very consistent with the level of details in my records, it’s easy to tell when the weekend was since there’s way more detail on those days. XD I also unfortunately didn’t record the first 2 days of the week since I didn’t see the blog assignment post until the 21st, my bad!

I liked this project though! I’ve actually gotten a much better idea of what to expect day to day – who knew making something as simple as a pb&j could take 20 minutes to make and eat? I’ll analyze what I gathered sometime for sure to get a deeper look into what I’m actually doing with my time each day. But for now, I think it’s time to sleep! (1:40am as I write this lol)

Behold, the schedule of someone who is definitely an expert at time management:


Storyboarding – 10PM to 11:40PM – finished 6 frames out of 12. 


9am Woke up. 

9am – 10:38am watched IG and Yt on phone. 

10:40am-11:20am made and ate breakfast, watched a bit of Netflix. 

11:20am- 12:30PM – finished storyboarding the rest of the frames. 

12:30PM – 1:00PM gathered supplies for video, charged batteries, applied makeup for film.

1:00PM-1:28PM shot 3rd frame of film, took 6 takes.

1:28pm-1:32pm sorted through takes and selected one, recorded times.

1:32PM-1:49PM scouted out places to film the scenes involving pavement

1:49pm-2:02pm filmed shot 4 of video, took 5 takes

2:03pm – 3:08 filmed 5th shot, took 29 takes

3:08pm-3:52pm filmed 8th shot, took 20 takes

3:52-4:17 filmed 6th shot, took around 12 takes

4:17-4:32 filmed 9th shot, took around 

4:32-4:43 filmed 7th shot, took 3 takes

4:50-7:43 ate snacks and then watched YouTube.

Watched Loki and talked with my brother for 3 hours. 

1:40 went to sleep


9:20am – 10am woke up and laid in bed for 20 mins, no phone just dozing. 

10am – 10:34am got out of bed and made breakfast, more steps involved bc it was quesadilla, salsa, and eggs, all from scratch.

10:34am-11 ate lunch 

11-11;48, watched YouTube

12-2 went to Walgreens on stone way and then to Glazers in Bellevue to get an SD card reader – also stopped by mochinut for a doughnut, 12 mins out of the way 

2-3 ate a snack and watched YouTube 

3-3:53 gathered film supplies, researched filmmakers in Seattle for midterm.

3:53-4:10 completed restarting computer and transferred footage from SD card to external hard drive 

4:10-4:47 set up lighting and camera and filmed 2nd shot of weather vid, took 8 takes

4:47-5:10 – set up camera and shot 5 takes for shot 1 of weather vid.

5:10-5:29 set up hose and camera for shot 9, took 2 takes

5:29-5:55 packed up equipment, brainstormed with my sister of filming locations and just reassurance and reassurance

6-7:02 set up camera and arrange set for shot 12, took 4 takes

7:05-7:20 showered

7:20-7:38 – made pb&j and chatted with fellow tenant 

7:38-7:48 ate sandwich and watched Netflix

7:48-9:32 selected the footage I wanted to use for the weather video, ended up with 15 total

9:32-10:40 pieced together the footage in Premiere pro, minimal editing to get to the length I wanted

10:40-12:23am added music and transitions, rearranged and replaced some clips

12:23-12:30 Went to the bathroom and stretched

12:30-2:24 finished editing, adjusted saturation, lighting, synced clips with music, added more sound effects and exported. Submitted to Vimeo, re-uploaded 3 times since I didn’t like the first versions.

2;24-3:14 uploaded storyboards, went to bed

3;24- 3:57 edited video to have copyright free music 

3:58 finally went to bed 😭


7:30 woke up

7:30-7:50 made breakfast and lunch 

7:50-8 ate breakfast and left the house at 8:05

8:30 – arrived at station, took 1 line.

8:40-9 Arrived at school, chatted with classmates and wrote draft for interview email.

9-10:30 listened to lecture about camera movement in VME 150, got the info about the Halloween video.

10:30-11:15 brainstormed with my group for idea of what the video what be, came up with a plot, discussed roles for each person. 

11:15-12:05 watched two groups’ weather videos and critiqued. 

12:05-12:50 ate lunch and did some more writing for my email to possible person to interview.

12:50-2 practiced more editing on premiere pro.

2-3:30 shot formal portrait and 3 lighting temp portraits with Lu.

3:30-4:30 shot informal portraits outside with Lu.

4:30-5 rode train home. Wrote more of email while on the train.

5-18 talked with parents and got on bus.

5:30 arrived home.

5:30-7 watched YouTube.

7-7:30 showered and wrote down times from today so far.

7:30-8:46 watched YuTube

8:46-9 FaceTimed with family

9-10:30 finished writing resume, cover letter and sent all plus email, both assignment and interview emails.

10:30-1:00 watched YouTube. Ate a snack and brushed teeth

1-1:30 watched YouTube in bed

1:34 went to bed 


7:30 woke up

7:34-7:49 made breakfast 

7:49-7:56 ate breakfast 

7:57-8:07 watched Netflix 

8:10- 8:30 walked to train station 

8:30-8:40 arrived at capital hill

8:45 arrived at class

8:45 – 9:40 professional practices – listened to lecture about presentation expectations and then business licenses and taxes 

9:40-9:55 took break 

9:55-11 read Beth (fictional unsatisfied customer) emails

11-12 lunch and visited HR

12-2 rewrote resume and cover letter and submitted it

2-2:40 checked out camera and tripod at cage, chatted with classmates 

2:40-:2:50 took train to u district 

2:55-3:03 stopped at a cafe for tiramisu 

3:19 boarded bus

3:30 arrived home

3:30-3:43 took shower

3:43-4:32 watched YouTube 

4:42-7 wrote reply to Anna mastro’s email of her agreeing to do the interview

Also researched her while waiting for bonus mom to reply about what to put in email.

7-9:43 sorted through photos for informal vs formal and white balance portrait assignments. Submitted both.

9:43-11:24 watched some of Anna mastro’s work, wrote about 15 potential questions, watched 3 mins of interview Ted talk and then some YouTube 

11:25-12:27 watched more YouTube and folded and put away clothes

12:32 went to sleep


7:30 woke up

7:36- got out of bed 

7:36-8:08 made and ate breakfast, 10 mins each

8:24 left house

8:38 arrived at train station, took train

8:48 – arrived at Capitol Hill

8:55 entered class

9-11 critiqued Digital Imaging Informal vs Formal photos. 

11-11:45 took lunch break

11:51-2 lecture for photoshop skills, and practice on photoshop.

2:10-2:34- wrote and sent email to Anna to suggest Google Meet for interview bc of technical issues. 

2:36-3:06 traveled by train back home

3:07-3:37 watched YouTube

3:38-7:09 wrote interview questions for Anna, and sent them at 7:09 Had to wait for about 20 minutes in between to get feedback from the questions from bonus mom. 

7:10-8 made and ate dinner. 

8-11:30 researched more about Anna, watched her episode of Runaways and Secret Society of Second Born Royals.

11:30-12:48 got ready for bed, watched some YouTube, and went to sleep. 


7:15 woke up

7:15-30 dressed and went to bathroom

7:30-7:46 made breakfast 

7:46-8:11 ate breakfast, gathered school supplies, left house 

8:33 Boarded train 

8:39 arrived at Capitol Hill

9-11:10 critique of Lighting VME 120 WB portraits. 

11:10-11;35 Lecture of different lighting techniques and over view of mid term. 

11:35-12:20 Lunch. Trouble shot with google meet camera, reviewed interview questions, ate lunch, ran downstairs for a cliff bar, listened to Anna interview podcast for 6 mins while getting bar.

12:20-1:10 studio demo of different lighting techniques for mid term.

1:20-2 went over interview questions, refreshed memory for Anna’s career, listened to the rest of the podcast. 

2-2:15 set up things in side room for interview

2:20 – 3:13 Did interview with Anna.

3:13-3:30 waited for computer to load interview recording. Called Hayley in the meantime.

3:30-4 wrote and sent thank you email to Anna with gift card

4:30 left school, went to coffee shop macrina 17 mins from school. 

5:34-6 worked on figma presentation for Friday 

6-6:30 went home

6:35-8:30 watched YouTube

8:30-12:50 edited Figma document presentation

12:50-1 recorded times

1:1:23-scrolled through IG and YT

1:23-1:48 finished recording times, wrote blog post and sent it!

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