Last Friday we had a woman named Christy Anna Wu who is a film director, musician, and painter, along with many other things. Throughout her presentation, she asked these 5 questions and now I will be answering them myself.
Who are you?
I am a 19-year-old Irish-born French girl who currently is going to college to become a graphic designer.
What is it that you want to do?
I would like to become a graphic designer and travel the world and spend time with the people closest to me.
Becoming a graphic designer is pretty broad and the allows me to have a variety of career options. I would love a job that allows me to do all of that I mentioned in the previous question.
Where do you want to go?
Almost Anywhere. For travel or for living. Really depends on a lot of things that I don’t want to get into right now.
What would you want to say?
I’m so excited for this quarter to be over!