
Christy Anna Wu

Last Friday we had a woman named Christy Anna Wu who is a film director, musician, and painter, along with many other things. Throughout her presentation, she asked these 5 questions and now I will be answering them myself.

Who are you?

I am a 19-year-old Irish-born French girl who currently is going to college to become a graphic designer.
What is it that you want to do?

I would like to become a graphic designer and travel the world and spend time with the people closest to me.

Becoming a graphic designer is pretty broad and the allows me to have a variety of career options. I would love a job that allows me to do all of that I mentioned in the previous question.
Where do you want to go?

Almost Anywhere. For travel or for living. Really depends on a lot of things that I don’t want to get into right now.
What would you want to say?

I’m so excited for this quarter to be over!


CUT Game Idea for Design Students

My game idea is to have a bunch of design students design something. Could be anything. Then have a line situation with the students and have one person guess who made what just by looking at the lineup of people. There would be multiple guessers as well just to make things more interesting and CUT also does the same thing.

I know we aren’t allowed to suggest any games involving drinking but it would be so fun to have the students be drunk and have a design challenge which I can think off the top of my head but could be short timed challenges.

Or the last thing that I thought of would be to have a game involving taking shots if they do something like deleting anything or if they try and use a certain tool.


Taco Bell Meta verse Wedding

What parts worked well, and what parts didn’t?

I mean the couple is married and seemed happy which in my eyes was a success.
Is this something you could see yourself having an interest in moving forward?

ABSOLUTELY NOT. I don’t want to judge people who choose to do that but I think this is stupid. I think the meta verse is stupid and is not worth the time and money or any investments. This is just a way to take people’s money. We could spend all that time on money on more serious things in this world. Anyway, this is my opinion but you do you. Go get married wherever. Just not meant for me.
Is this something that has potential as an advertising tool? Why, Why not? Could this work as an entertainment tool? Why, Why not?

I think this is already being advertised/as an internment tool in addition to a way to invest because you can buy property and merchandise in addition to some more things that I don’t know about.