Last Friday on October 7th, Paolo Tossolini, a man from Italy who owns a company called Tosolini Productions presented on AR/VR. He primarily works with clients who are new to this type of technology. He believes that research in technology is a competitive advantage. This means he tries new technology that comes out and he creates something out of it and puts it out on YouTube and or presents it to other companies to put it out there.
Tosolini brought up Prototyping and the benefits of documenting those steps. “You can use it for your portfolio” “Why is the portfolio important?” “Because that is what an employer looks at when they want to hire you” “they will ask what have you done, what are your skill sets and how do you demonstrate your skill sets?” These are quotes directly from Tosolini. The last thing he mentioned about prototyping is the fact that when you show a client your prototypes it builds a sense of trust since you get to show your understanding of the project.
The rest of the time he showed us a few of his projects/ videos from his YouTube channel and explained some of the process, the types of clients he works with and why he likes to work with AR/VR.
Above is a short 5-second video I created in Adobe After Effects. It’s very short and sweet but I think it resembles my experience so far at the program so far. Let me explain just in case you need some more clarification. So I chose After Effects because it is the class I have been taking for New Media.
Secondly, I chose the words “Mixed Emotions” because at the moment I have had some ups and downs. I have enjoyed getting to know my classmates, working on projects together, making new friends, and working on projects that interest me. However, I did have one day where I was overwhelmed and started panicking a little bit due to the amount of work and the fact that I was unsure about what I was supposed to do. An example of that would be the blog. Thankfully I had a second-year student give me some guidance which I greatly appreciated.
Thirdly, I chose the color green for the text because it is a relatively neutral color. Neither happy, sad, mad, etc.
The last two things I want to bring up about this short video are the chaos of the letters and the short audio I added. Obviously, I am not as skilled as I would like to be when it comes to animation but besides that, I like how playful the letters move across the screen because I think it demonstrates how fun but chaotic the amount of work I have been doing so far. As for the audio clip, I added it kind of goes along with the playfulness of the animation. It reminds me of an old-school game.
In conclusion, these past 3 weeks I feel pretty good with a hint of stress but everyone needs a little bit of stress. It makes life more interesting I guess you could say. I am looking forward to writing about my weeks in this blog because I will get to tract and see how much I learn and evolved as a person for the next 2 years.