
Food Blog Post

I feel like one of those ladies who takes pictures of their food before eating it and then their whole man comes and mashes it up for the funny haha jokes.

(This youtube URL doesn’t work because it’s a Short but if you want to see what I’m talking about, here it is.)

Anyway, jokes aside, I decided to take a picture of my luxurious Ikea meatball plate and edit it in photoshop because it already is delicious in my mouth, so lets make it delicious in our eyes. I have no idea how to color grade or touch up on photography, so I looked up tutorials on how to touch up and edit specifically food in photoshop or in whatever other Adobe products I have been forced to buy because it’s “InDuStrY StANDaRD”. Here is the result of perhaps maybe 2-4 quick YouTube videos. They were not really quick honestly. They rambled on about tools for too long when it’s obvious what they were. Also, if you are an instructor and put up a YouTube tutorial for us students to watch instead of ACTUALLY instructing us, you are a terrible teacher and wastes my entire time spending money on this program when I could just GO ON YOUTUBE FOR FREE.

I think this turned out quite scrumptious looking. The colors pop, there is not weird blips or dips in the food and the depth of field is pretty okay. Listen, I am not in the photography program so if it actually is butt awful, I honestly do not care too much. I personally think it looks really nice. So, yeah. I hope you enjoy it because I know I do. I used the spot healing tool, played with the color graph line hue tool and tried sharpening up, and blurring some edges in photoshop.

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