I like the idea of having personal projects, but the problem I’ve always had is in following through and completing the few projects I manage to start. I have always found it really hard to find or make time for personal projects in the past as I usually feel worn out due to work or other aspects of life and the ever present lack of knowing what exactly I would like to be working on. For as long as I’ve been trying to work as a graphic designer I’ve struggled with my portfolio, I have never known what to make to put in it and no mater how hard I try to think of a drawing, animation, vector image, logo, or whatever I always end up drawing a blank. I’ve used tools like the daily logo challenge to try to spark my imagination, but eventually I run out of steam because of time or energy limitations.
I think the most practical personal project I could start working on is an overhaul of my profile website, but it might be more practical to wait until I am further into my time at the Creative Academy so that I can have some more projects worth showing off. The organization of my current website could use some help. I have once section with a bunch of projects, but it is not clear from the home screen that multiple items can be found by following that link, making my home page look more sparse that it really is.
I would like to revisit the daily logo challenge. The last time I started it I used it as an excuse to get more practice creating motion graphics. I love the process of working with motion design in Adobe After Effects, but the amount of work it takes to create a logo and then find a way to animate it is a lot and I have a hard time imagining being able to find time to work on anything like that around all the projects we have while attending classes for school.