
Polycam Video

Barbie shares her passion for graphic design.

Barbie’s passion is
graphic design

You’d have to be sleeping under a rock to be unaware of the resurgence of Barbie in the cultural zeitgeist. Over the last year as her popularity shot to unimaginable heights, I had the opportunity to revisit my own collection, housed in my parents’ bay area home. I chose Belle, the Barbie hitting markets during the animated classic’s 1991 film release, to bring back with me. I wanted to eventually bring her with me when I saw the Barbie movie last summer. I didn’t realize she’d also have her moment for a New Media blog assignment, but here we are!

Using the polycam app was mostly intuitive, although it often took quite a while for the AR functionality to scan the space that I was attempting to place my 3D scan within. Luckily, I figured it out and made my own movie magic. In the scene, you see Barbie, standing at the front of room 5140, sharing slides about her passion for graphic design. In the film, you see resident SCCA instructor, Jill Vartenigian, exclaim, “wow!” at Barbie’s compelling presentation.

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