
AR Panels – Nightlife

For the last project in the AR Module we were put into groups and tasked with creating a set of panels on Eyejack that would interact with our environment. This software was very easy to use and made me feel like I could approach more AR related stuff in the future.

Our group decided to do panels that highlighted the nightlife in the area. It seemed really simple because there are so many in the area! For the bars and clubs in the area we made three panels that would give people information displayed on the outside of the club to get people to know more about the spot. The first panel would name the spot and provide a rating of where we were at, I chose the Raygun Lounge. The second panel (left) would be the drink specials of that day. The third panel (right) would be events that the bar hosts.

Here are the panels:

It was fun to experiment a few different ways of laying it out. Altogether we decided on a few different design approaches we wanted to keep consistent, Mark made a great template on figma for us to add our content to, and then we exported our panels from there as pngs! I think the transparent background was a nice touch because it kind of draws you into the realism of the panels and helps you feel more involved.

Here is the video of our panels in real life with eyejack

Overall this went smoothly and well. Everyone communicated when they were able to get things done and we all finished a bit earlier in the week. It was all about being decisive on that first day we got assigned the project and each of us knew how to proceed from there. This gave me time to slap the videos together into one! I want to try more little panels like this!

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