
blog assignment #8

spring 2024

For this assignment, I decided to do some allegorical drawings that would represent the three ideas. They ended up being fairly gratuitous illustrations of women in various states of undress. What do you want from me.

I drew these from my imagination, i.e. without a model or photo reference. So be kind in your judgments.

Freedom of Expression is probably the most gratuitous. She’s kind of emerging from a tiered city, I thought she would be an idol for the people who live in this city. She’s welcoming travelers with one hand, and her other hand holds a stiletto. I think that part of what makes self-expression so alluring is its inherent danger: the possibility of saying or doing something gauche maybe, or the always fine line between speaking one’s mind and being hurtful. Etc.

The next one is the least gratuitous: Freedom from Expectation. This figure is coming out of a mountain, which I imagined represents the rigidity of the expectations we strive to live up to. These expectations can be set by others, but the more tyrannical ones we tend to set ourselves. She also has a scar over her heart. It represents a wound or an emptiness that the expectations are meant to fill.

The last is semi-gratuitous. Freedom to Explore is surrounded by a compass that represents the unlimited possibilities etc etc etc. Honestly I kind of ran out of creative juice and just wanted to practice this perspective, which is always a god-awful bastard to try to wrangle. There are rabbit sketches on the opposite page that managed to be scanned through 100lb paper. They represent something.

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