
AR-Mod01 Project 3

Imagine a world uncrowded with tacky gravestones. Where the dead can update their dated styles as the years pass. What ephemera will carry your memory into the future? Or is your future already set in stone? Thus was the impetuous for our project: AR Headstones. A monument to your life that won’t break your budget. An opportunity to link your facebook, instagram or other embarrassing internet personas to your resting place. AR technology allows real time updates on things such as family trees or personal debt. Link your 23andme and perhaps someday be cloned anew!

To execute this project I used Illustrator to model the headstones, I do wish I would have had a stronger end goal for the design of them, but they sufficed. I then imported them as PNGs into Figma for easy text editing. I also used a 3D scanner called WIDAR to get a body scan of Stephanie. The awful fidelity only added to the aesthetics. I uploaded the mp4 WIDAR spat out into to get a nice compressed gif for eyejack. I added a bunch of myspace era gifs from google as a final touch.

I’ve uploaded video proof. The animations wouldn’t play on my phone, but I suspect this is an issue with my phone itself, since I’ve had this problem with Eyejack before. Anyway, I took a video of the animations playing in Eyejack to supplement

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