
Blog Assignment #6

Justin Bernardy

Last week we were visited by Adam Knight, who spoke on the core values he brings into every job, no matter the scope of said job. These included delivering quality work and creating trust with the client. Adam elaborated on this by explaining the importance of accountability and transparency. This resonated with me, as there are often times where I feel as though I might not be measuring up to the expectations of my peers or teachers etc. Some of that can be attributed to issues with self-confidence and varying degrees of imposter syndrome. However, there are times where I have genuinely failed, and must accept the results of that failure.

A very recent example of a time where I failed to deliver quality work comes in the form of submitting an assignment late in my InDesign class. For this assignment, we were tasked with formatting menus using paragraph and character styles in InDesign. It can be quite a time consuming and involved process, and as such requires attention, effort, and time. I managed my time around this assignment quite poorly, and submitted it late. Not only did this bring my grade down considerably, but I was also unable to create a final product that was reflective of what I can actually do with genuine effort. In layman’s terms: I submitted crappy work late. This situation put the very real fear of being dropped from the program in me. I started to think “If I fail, then I moved across the country for nothing, and wasted my best chance at a good education, and that CANNOT happen”. As a result, I have since tried to stay as on top of assignments as I can, so I can always account for anything that may happen, and always submit high quality work.

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