
Winter Quarter Final Blog Post

Justin Bernardy

Two quarters at Seattle Central has at times felt a lot longer, and at other times, seems to have passed by quickly. One thing that has remained constant is the pressure, and the challenge to grow. In this short time I have learned so much more than I imagined I could have, and it’s nothing short of mind boggling. In fact the more we learn, the harder it becomes to decide exactly what direction I want to take my professional development. at the same time, because everything seems new and exciting. Though, there is one thing that I have been enjoying particularly, that also happens to line up with my personal hobbies, and that’s packaging.

I hope to specialize in packaging because it combines my favorite hobbies into a single workflow. For instance, illustration, typography, and 3D design. All 3 are used in packaging, from the design process to using 3D to create a mockup of the item. That’s a specific example, but truthfully I’m still unsure. For now, what I really want to do is become a good graphic designer. I know I have a lot to learn, and I may be slower than others at the process but I know I’ll make it eventually.

Apart from a professional goal, I have also started to realize that I’m surrounded by really awesome people who all want to succeed, and have similar interests and passions, and that makes me want to do better. I want to be seen as someone my peers can count on, and a friend they can rely on. I think I am already where I need to be, it’s just a matter of learning, growing, and hopefully living up to my potential, and getting to be there to see others do the same is a privilege.


Blog Assignment # 7

Justin Bernardy

For my Metaverse journey, I reluctantly ventured into the Metaverse Mini game Challenge area. Immediately, I was asked to create an avatar. Needless to say, I chose the randomize option. and this absolute abomination was the result.

He looks like he bites people, but at least he is an ally.

Unfortunately, the event was absolutely empty and as such, I was left to traverse the eerie, barren wasteland of the Metaverse all by my lonesome. One thing I can say about this metaverse event- it looks a hell of a lot better than the experience from last Friday, which was visually akin to dragging my eyes across pixelated, poorly modeled sandpaper. This at least felt like an overt homage to Nintendo games, with characters and background music being reminiscent of the days of the Nintendo Wii. Speaking of Nintendo, this is a gaming event after all. While exploring, I did come across this Mario themed stage, which I thought was pretty cool.

Ah, yes Whomp in all his glory. I guided my avatar under Whomp, hoping he would crush me, effectively freeing me from my rusty metaverse shackles, but he just floats there menacingly. for shame.

Also, is this Bill Clinton? I need answers

To summarize, this metaverse journey, while completely fruitless, was a much more visually appealing experience than the last. Not to mention, I was given clothes without having to pay real life money for them. As far as the practicality of the metaverse as whole, I do not see it being very useful for anything other than casual online gaming and chatting. Any other use seems impractical. For instance, there were other events such as business meetings, and stock trading events etc. in my opinion, using the Metaverse as a venue for these events seems like a waste of bandwidth, and time, when you could just as easily hop on a zoom call and actually see the faces of the people you are interacting with. I digress, this is just my two cents on a “new” technology emerging in the world. Maybe I will be wrong, and the Metaverse could be the future of commerce and social interaction. Who can say?