
Blog Post

Justin Bernardy


This week’s visitor, Steve Hansen resonated with me in particular. Since the start of winter break I have tried to set aside time to learn 3D modeling and animation, and it has been both very challenging and very rewarding. I’m hoping to add 3D modeling to my skillset and find creative ways to implement it into my designs, and seeing Steve’s work proves that this is a possibility.

I was also ecstatic when I read the blog assignment and realized that this project would give me a chance to practice 3D as it might pertain to a professional environment. That said, we were tasked with capturing/creating a food item using 3D, photography, or other means. I chose to use Blender, a free software that Steve mentioned a few times. I created a simple morning kitchen scene featuring a pitcher, plates, and a few oranges. To do so, I modeled all of the featured items myself, and also fine tuned the lighting. As an example, the oranges were made by sculpting a 3D sphere, adding imperfections, and then applying a texture to the orange. To create textures, I used my camera and took pictures of textures in real life, and imported them into Blender. I chose oranges, because I associate them with the morning, and being refreshed, and those are the feelings I wanted to evoke here.

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