It’s hard to sell yourself and your uniqueness in this industry, when you haven’t been in this industry for very long. I’m still trying to define my worth within my own words and that’s going to be forever changing as I progress and grow, but for right now I decided to ask the people I’ve worked for; The people who scoped me out because they saw something within my personal work; even the people who’ve never worked with me, but they’ve seen my Instagram post or my website. Another reason I took this approach was because all these people I’m asking input from are possible or repeater clients. I need to make sure the market I’m reaching out to is receiving me and if they are, I want to know the reasons.
In this process, the main repeating comments I got were that I had a unique perspective. I’m not just coming from a photographer perspective, I’m coming perspectives in painting, writing, singing, sketching etc. I have multiple trades in which I conduct my artistic abilities and being able to put all of those towards my photography/ videography, and even postproduction give me an edge on people who don’t have those perspectives.
Attention to detail, was another prominent one. I call attention to the smallest of things but in the context of the overarching theme, it works in the end because all of those little things come together. Being able to spot them in the moment before they’ve turned into something bigger cuts down on production time and brings attention to the fact that I’m able to identify and fix both large and small problems
I’m Versatile. I have vast experience considering how short of a time I’ve been in this field with both freelance and mainstream work. On top of that within those mediums I’m always able to push myself to do a project I’ve never done before, and if I’m working with someone, takes notes and pay close attention to how they conduct themselves in an area I have little to no experience in. I’m aware that just because I’m familiar with the fundamentals, does not mean I’m able to comfortably fit anywhere without a little guidance or help.
I have a clear emotional attachment to all my work. I care deeply about each and every project I work on and take each one very seriously. If it’s not up to my code, it will be redone until it is. Not wanting to put out work I’m not proud of is something I think everyone can relate to, but I always make sure I’m taking every step necessary to avoiding feeling that way at the end of the day. I’ve been told it can be intimidating and boarder on a perfectionist mindset, but I feel like it’s something fundamental in my process.