
5 Questions

Last week Christina Wu talked to us about their evolution through their career and what realizations she made along the way. Throughout her journey, she found herself asking questions as a way to check in with where she’s at. It was very sentimental but also a good way to reflect.

The first two questions are “ Who are you?” and “What is it that you want to do?” At this stage I would say that I’m just a guy learning and exploring and I want to find the right path for me and settle the foundation for my future. I want to see what opportunities I can afford and the life I can build for myself. 

Naturally the next question is why? Personally, I want to live a fulfilling life. I would say that so far I have lived a very unconventional life and experienced things that, to this point, has satisfied my idea of what life means. I believe that had I followed other people’s ideas of success and followed the road laid out for me, I wouldn’t quite feel the same. 

I see myself getting a degree to start building the next phase of my life. I am really grateful for this experience because it gives me the opportunity to open more doors. Where I want to be in the next 5 years is hopefully working a stable job that pays decently. 

The last question is, “what do you want to say?” I guess I would want to say good job. I think I don’t give myself enough credit for the things I’ve accomplished and to myself I would like to say “good job”.


The (SCC) Cut

Last week we had the opportunity of meeting Brooke Montgomery, a creative director and director for Cut. It was really cool meeting and hearing from someone who works for a company I’m familiar with and seeing what and how things are run behind the scenes. Cut creates interesting think pieces that are presented as fun videos that are easy and entertaining to watch.

An idea for a video filmed amongst my peers would follow a similar style to the Lineup videos that Cut produces. We would have 5 participants, 4 design students and 1 visual media student. The visual media student would be presented 4 portfolios belonging to the design students and would try to guess which portfolio belongs to who. This could also be done in the reverse, 4 visual media students portfolios matched by a design student. All the materials would already be provided given that we submitted portfolios to get into the program.

I think this would lead into at least 2 interesting conversations. Either that we judge people by their appearance and assume what their style is, or it’ll show that peoples art is identifiable to the artist because it mimics us and our lived experience. Oftentimes when I see other designers, I’m surprised at first by their style but once I get to know them more intimately, I see where their inspiration comes from and how it’s applied to their work. Given that the two programs don’t interact much with each other, it would be a perfect situation to go into blindly And with the ratio, it should accommodate for the the large cohort of design student to film students.