Last week Christina Wu talked to us about their evolution through their career and what realizations she made along the way. Throughout her journey, she found herself asking questions as a way to check in with where she’s at. It was very sentimental but also a good way to reflect.
The first two questions are “ Who are you?” and “What is it that you want to do?” At this stage I would say that I’m just a guy learning and exploring and I want to find the right path for me and settle the foundation for my future. I want to see what opportunities I can afford and the life I can build for myself.
Naturally the next question is why? Personally, I want to live a fulfilling life. I would say that so far I have lived a very unconventional life and experienced things that, to this point, has satisfied my idea of what life means. I believe that had I followed other people’s ideas of success and followed the road laid out for me, I wouldn’t quite feel the same.
I see myself getting a degree to start building the next phase of my life. I am really grateful for this experience because it gives me the opportunity to open more doors. Where I want to be in the next 5 years is hopefully working a stable job that pays decently.
The last question is, “what do you want to say?” I guess I would want to say good job. I think I don’t give myself enough credit for the things I’ve accomplished and to myself I would like to say “good job”.