Blog Assignment #8

Freedom to Express: For “Freedom to Express”, I would make a colorful abstract painting. Bright colors would be splashed and dripped all over the canvas in a wild, messy way. But within the mess, you would be able to see shapes and forms – maybe a face looking out or a figure with arms wide open.

Freedom to Explore: For “Freedom to Explore”, it would be a story showing a young person’s journey of self-discovery. At first they would feel trapped, hemmed in by pressures from society and what’s expected of them. But then something sparks their curiosity about the great big world out there. They break free wildly – you’d see images of vast landscapes, new cultures, and mind-opening experiences flashing by quickly.

Freedom from Expectation: For “Freedom from Expectation”, I imagine an animated character trapped inside a box (representing others’ expectations). But then the box breaks apart, and the character keeps shedding fake identities forced on them, until they reach their true, authentic self. Their true self is shown as a simple, glowing orb that floats free of any expectations, changing shape freely based on its own nature.

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