For this assignment, I downloaded the Polycam app on my phone and scanned a plushie of a Pokémon to created a 3D model ready for AR use. It took around 50 images to create a model that had acceptable captures at all angles. I realized after filming that some of the fins and lower body were cut off while I was cropping, which could’ve prevented by placing the plushie on an elevated platform while taking pictures.
Next, I thought about where I should record the AR video. I decided to venture out to the fountain at Cal Anderson Park because of the shallow and flat body of water that is both conveniently easy to film at, and close to campus.
Unfortunately, I was unable to place the model on the water (I don’t think Polycam can support placing objects on anything other than solid ground). Instead, I placed the model on the rim of the fountain, which wasn’t quite what I had in mind for, but close enough. I noticed that the AR camera feature also buggy and user-unfriendly while recording; the buttons were very small, and had to be pressed on a few times to get a response, and the model disappeared at some angles.
The original video was too large to upload to this blog, so I had to compromise on the resolution, length, and framerate by editing it in Premiere Pro, and reducing the file size with HandBrake afterwards, which was a hassle.
Anyways, this is the (f)in(ish)ed video of a fish out of water. Enjoy?