New Media

Blog Assignment #7b – Creating Little Worlds

For this week’s assignment, my subject for a little world will be this small artificial pond located at someone’s house. I took this photo during early winter when it was still chilly during the day, and gray clouds always around.

Despite only housing around 40 gallons of water, I’d like to think of this as a little ocean for organisms too small for the human eye to see. The murky, algae filled water contrasts with the myriads of stones and pebbles around the edges, which makes for interesting subjects in each section of the photo. Though still chilly, a small population of duckweed manages to live despite the other plants having long lost their leaves in the autumn.

I interpreted this as life always finding a way to perceive no matter the conditions. I think it would be interesting to reexamine this pond with a microscope to get a better look at what lies beneath the surface.

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