
Blog Assignment May 28th

As I through the bustling streets of the city, the weight of my daily routine seemed to suffocate my creative spirit. But amidst the chaos, a glimmer of solace awaited me in the form of an enchanting sunset. The sky transformed into a vibrant canvas, painted with hues of orange, pink, and gold, as if nature herself was an artist unveiling her masterpiece.

In that fleeting moment, time slowed down, and the noise of the city faded into the background. The majestic symphony of colors ignited my imagination, weaving a story that only I could tell. I envisioned a world where every color had a voice, where shades and tints danced together in perfect harmony.

The fiery orange became the embodiment of passion, fueling my desire to create and express myself. The soft pink whispered tales of compassion and empathy, reminding me of the power of understanding others’ stories. And the shimmering gold symbolized the pursuit of dreams, casting a glimmer of hope even in the darkest of times.

This moment in nature’s embrace rekindled the flames of my own creativity. It reminded me that inspiration can be found in the simplest of moments, if only we take the time to pause and acknowledge them. It taught me the importance of being present, of stepping away from the demands of daily life to connect with the natural world and the depths of my own imagination.

In my creative process, I often find myself overwhelmed by the expectations and pressures that come with the act of creation. But through this encounter with nature’s palette, I discovered that true artistry lies not in the final product alone but in the ability to appreciate and draw inspiration from the world around us.

From that day forward, I made a commitment to myself, a promise to seek out these moments of imaginative connection whenever life becomes a whirlwind of responsibilities.
For within these moments lies the key to unlocking my own creative potential, reminding me that the world is a tapestry of inspiration waiting to be explored. I hope to share my stories, my unique perspective with the world, leaving an indelible mark on the vast canvas of human experience.


Blog Assignment 3

Freelance: Freelance work involves working independently for various clients and charging them on a project basis. Freelancers are not bound to a specific employer and have more control over their schedules and workload. The pros of freelancing include the ability to choose your own projects, set your own schedule, and have a higher income potential. However, the cons include the lack of job security, inconsistent income, and the need to handle administrative tasks such as invoicing and taxes.

Part-time: Part-time work usually involves working for an employer for fewer hours than a full-time employee. This type of work offers some flexibility and allows individuals to balance work with other commitments. The pros of part-time work include having a better work-life balance and the ability to gain experience in different fields. However, the cons include lower pay, fewer benefits, and limited opportunities for advancement.

Contract/Agency: Contract or agency work involves working for a company on a temporary basis, typically for a specific project or period. This type of work offers flexibility and variety, as individuals may work for different companies over time. The pros of contract work include higher pay rates and the potential for more interesting work. However, the cons include the lack of job security, the need to constantly search for new work, and the lack of benefits.

Full-time: Full-time work usually involves working for an employer for a set number of hours per week, typically around 40 hours. Full-time employees receive benefits such as health insurance, paid time off, and retirement plans. The pros of full-time work include job security, benefits, and opportunities for advancement. However, the cons include limited flexibility in terms of scheduling and potential for burnout due to longer work hours.

Which type of employment is preferred depends on an individual’s personal preferences and goals. Some may prefer the flexibility of freelance work, while others may prioritize job security and benefits offered by full-time employment. It is important to consider factors such as income, work-life balance, and career goals when making a decision about employment type.

My last name with K: find three job postings for Contract/Agency work.

  • Aircraft Maintenance Instructors (Remote Work)
  • Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner
  • Licensed Insurance Agent


Blog Assignment #2



Blog Assignment #1

This is my design for Coachella Valley Firebirds. I didn’t change the colors too much I just made them more eye-catching.
Also, I changed the logo a bit, I made that firebird more fragile and looks gentler, and I added flames underneath to make the wearer look more combative and fiercer, and it will be more effective when there is a large group of people wearing this shirt, they will feel like a crowd effect and give the crowd have more spirit and excitement in the festival.


Due 9:00 am, March 17th

I’m Ky Kiet Lam, a person who used to be very confident, someone who used to be very strong and very enthusiastic, but now I’m not like that. Right now I just want to get over my phobia so that my confidence and my old self can come back. I want to graduate and use the knowledge from the professions I have studied to make a lot of money. Then I want to go back to my hometown and use the money I earn to help the poor and needy, I want the kids there to go to school and not have to constantly work for a living when they are only a few years old. I want to go to places where there are many people in need in this world to help them, even if it’s just a little, but I still want to.
I have nothing to say because I have not achieved anything in my life yet. I can only say to my heart that as long as the dawn still appears, I will still try, and the world is full of lies and disgust.


Blog Assignment 3/3/23

My idea was about the question, “Tell me about a time you did something that you thought was the silliest and most embarrassing thing in public.” We’ve all had moments like this, and a lot of people want to hear about them.

And for the challenge, we could challenge them to do it again (in studio form only), so they could bring it back in their lives.


Blog Assignment #6

I’ve had a lot of failed projects before, it’s not really a failure, it’s just that it’s not very good. there’s a lot of project work I’ve done, making a song, or a certain poster project, I worked with quite a few people, and when the project came to an end, what I realized was that it didn’t seem like I was doing as well as the others. When I realize that, I always think about and review my shortcomings to increase production value, quality, and ideas for myself.
I learned a lot from those times, I realize that my shortcomings are many, I did not have my own artistic style and I could not divide my time well. Those are the things that changed me a lot, In my free time, I watch a lot of different people’s products, and practice making a lot of products for myself to find my own style. I start to learn how to divide my working time more properly so as not to affect the quality of my production anymore.
until now, even though it hasn’t really worked for me, I feel like I’ve gotten a lot better thanks to these and helped improve the quality of my production and idea generation.


Blog assignment #5

Hi, Im Kiet Lam.

Currently, I don’t have too many hard skills, a few years ago I also suffered from severe depression so I am not too confident in my soft skills. 

Hard skills:

  • I used to be a student at a university in Vietnam, I took a psychology course and I am quite confident in my ability to grasp the psychology of others through the events that were happening at that time. I am quite confident that I can grasp the psychology of customers as well as new trends to serve my work.
  • I’ve had a long time getting used to Adobe Photoshop, although I’m not really good, I was able to create quite a few posters from PS.
  • i used to be in a band and we learned how to compose together, i am very interested in that because when i learn how to be creative When I make songs, my creative skills in design are also developed

Soft skills:

  • Actually I used to be a very social person, my friends often rate me as an interesting and funny person, and they love to take my advice. Since the days when I was suffering from depression, I gradually closed myself and it was difficult to make new friends. but now i’m slowly recovering and starting over again, when i joined this program at first it was hard for me to make friends but now i got some friends for myself and i will try try to return to normal in the future
  • I am quite “difficult” at work. I really appreciate perfection, I often find ways to make my personal products as perfect as possible even the smallest things.
  • I’m pretty good at my time management, I like to divide my work so that I don’t get stressed and finish the work easily.

In the future, I want to develop more AI and PS skills because they will help me a lot for my future. And they will be two hard skills that help me a lot in my work.

In addition, I have just developed my English skills more to be able to communicate with people better, and I also want to learn better problem-solving skills because I am a pretty bad person when it comes to giving answers make decisions when faced with bad problems


Blog Assignment 3

At the beginning of 2019, I and a friend in Vietnam used to have a project together. We plan to open a local brand together in Ho Chi Minh city. We have been planning together since 2018 and started working on it in 2019. He will be responsible for production and sales, and I will be responsible for design and marketing. We spent quite a bit of money on it, I don’t remember exactly, but because of inexperience, many times we ran out of capital, and we had to keep putting more money out of each other’s pockets. But because when I was in Vietnam, I was lucky to play with a group of friends who were rappers and artists in Underground, because they are very close to me, we have saved a lot of money in hiring a model to take pictures with my clothes. We have high hopes for this project, and many of my friends support it and help us spread the word about our brand and products.
We made a plan together, for my part, I need to constantly update the trend and popular product models in the city according to the trends of the youth to design products that are suitable for that time. In addition, in order to save costs, I need to learn more about marketing by myself to make plans to bring products to customers.
Sometime after trying we got our first products and also started taking our first orders. I always remember that feeling of joy, it’s hard to describe, we started making money from our products.
But it wasn’t long before the covid 19 pandemic began to break out in Vietnam, Nationwide must implement home isolation, it also means that we have to stop all our activities, we are very sad and devastated because we know this means that our project 80% will fail because the nationwide quarantine period is very long, and finally we had to accept to close this project of ours. We always comforted each other that, at least we gained a lot of new experience on that project and learned a lot of different skills own that were not in our major. Right now, we’re back on our learning path and still don’t have any next project, but I hope that in the future I will have another project with someone, and I will continue to use to the best of my ability as well as learn many other skills to do them.

This is one of our products because most of the other products have been deleted by us, so there is only one simple model.


Blog Assignment 1

Here are my 3 works on food items that I choose. when I created them, I just used my iPhone 10, and then I use lightroom to edit the colors. I initially chose oranges because it is my favorite fruit, and its color is also my favorite color. Since I don’t have a lot of photo props at home, I used the wood color of the floor because I think it also pairs well with orange. I spread out my oranges and tried to arrange the composition according to the law of near and far to make it more eye-catching, then I used my study light to get enough light for me to take a better shot.
the 2nd and the 3rd picture picture are a plate of noodles and a plate of vegetables, actually this is an old picture of me when I had a party with my family, I took them as a souvenir..