
Panels AR Project

For our panels project, our team picked the topic of thrift stores in and around Seattle.

We decided our information panels would include a picture of the outside, the address and hours, and a pic of our best finds from the store.

We decided on a color scheme and font in class and Maverick made an awesome template with our picks that we plugged our info into to make a cohesive presentation.

My favorite panel is the best finds panel.

I love the look of the clipped backgrounds and it was fun putting together a virtual outfit. I struggled a bit exporting the clipped images without a white background. I was able to figure it out but I need to practice so I can get a lot faster at moving clipped pngs around.

I also struggled a bit with google slides not accepting the format of my iPhone video but it eventually accepted it after I first saved the video into google drive.


Time Tracking 10/21-10/26


8:00-8:30 tried to get covid booster

8:30-10 breakfast at oddfellows

10:30-11:15 light rail/bus home

11:15-11:30 talk with neighbor

11:30-5:30 making halloween costume+ watching drag race

5:30-6 dinner

6-11 watching harry potter movies


9:00 watch TV

10:15 shower

10:30-40 Sketched solutions for icons

40-45 emailed Jason

50-55 checked Jill’s syllabus

55-11:00 looking at third place’s website

11-11:15 Brain cloud and matrix for 3rd place logo

11:15-11:45 sketch logo ideas

45-55 take measurements of bathroom and sink

12:55 drive to second use

1:15-2 second use

2-2:45 Earth Wise

2:45-3 drive to fred meyer

3-3:15 fred meyer

3:15-6:30 Pumkin carving party

30-45 drive home

7 check slack

7-7:30 make logos for yale

30-50 get logos into dream weaver

50-8:30 format logos in dream weaver

8:30-35 sketching 3rd place logos

8:35-9:00 demo medicine cabinet, fit new one

9-915 design history reading


9:00-11:45 interactive class

11:45-2 lunch and homework

2-2:45 Zoom with Eric

2:45-3:45 travel home

3:45-5 work on icons

5-6 dinner

6-10 harry potter movies


9-2 Design history class

2:00-2:45 meet with art nouveau research group

2:45-4 make icons in illustrator

4-4:30 print icons

4:30-5:15 travel home

5:15-6 dinner

6-10 Drag race +work on halloween costume


9-2 illustrator class

2-2:45 travel home

2:45-3:15 sketch icons and email jason

3:15-5 work on panels for AR module

5-6 dinner

6-10 work on halloween costume


9-2 intro to design

2-2:45 travel home

2:45-4 relax time

4-12 Working on halloween costume


Polycam Video


Review of Civilisations AR

Civilisations AR is an app created by the BBC that allows the user to view and interact with historical objects to learn more about them. I thoroughly enjoyed having Tutankhamen and the Rosetta Stone appear in my apartment. I ran into some issues– I think most of them can be attributed to me using an iPhone while the app was designed for use with an iPad.

I’ve laid out a few things I found really great about the app, as well as some problems I encountered and things I think could be improved:


  • Really cool visuals
  • Can scale objects up and get closer than you would often be able to in a museum
  • Great audio components–you can pull up a big article on each object but I enjoyed clicking around the audio snippets to have to object narrated to me
  • The menu for selecting items is really cool–its a big floating globe and you can scroll around it and look at artifacts from different areas of the world
  • It’s just super fun to have a mummy in your living room
  • I can see how this could be really effective in an educational setting–kids exploring artifacts from home, maybe being assigned to explore and report back on artifacts they found interesting
  • Camera feature to take screen captures of the experience


  • Designed for the iPad, so users like me trying to use their phone might run into trouble–the app got stuck on me a couple times and I had to reboot it in order for it to work again. I assume this would be better on the device the app was built for
  • Tutorial was a bit confusing– I wasn’t sure when I had achieved the objective and sometimes was confused as to why it wasn’t letting me move on in the tutorial
  • Audio only worked for me in headphones, which wasn’t clear from the outset
  • The app doesn’t allow you to scale objects smaller than they actually are in real life–this became a problem for me when trying to walk around a human-sized sarcophagus in my cramped apartment
  • Many of the objects are housed in English museums–the app does a good job of citing sources and telling you where you can view the item in real life. Which is great… but it underscores the fact that so many of these objects have been dispossessed of their homelands and are now sequestered in British museums–often The British Museum. Come to think of it, that’s probably part of why this app was made
  • Objects take a while to load. But again, this could be because I’m not using the app’s intended device–the iPad
  • Screen capture option goes away when interacting with the object in any way–listening to audio or reading text

Overall, I found Civilisations AR to be an app that sparked my curiosity, and made me excited to explore more objects and learn about them. I wish the experience were a bit more seamless but I suspect that would be improved with time and with using the intended device (iPad)–although I think they should make the app useable on a phone so they can reach a wider audience.


Husbands Band Poster

Your blog post must include your poster solution, a written explanation of your concept and a link to at least one of the bands songs.

To begin I surveyed existing art used on the band’s albums and website. There was a wide variety but a common theme was pastel colors, so I tried to incorporate some soft, contrasting colors into my design.

The band’s membership has changed over time, sometimes including four people and sometimes just one. The front runner and only consistent member is Danny Davis. The band’s website features Danny prominently, and some of the album art features just Danny. I decided to focus in on Danny as the front man and symbol of the band and play off his unique look–his curls.

I originally wanted the text to look like it was growing out of his hair but the composition needed more contrast between the type and the background, so I decided to create my own type with a similar stroke as I used for his hair in my drawing of him.

I also experimented with warping circles with the direct selection tool and making them transparent to use as highlight areas.

I approached the whole project nervous about my skills in Illustrator because I haven’t used the program a lot and I didn’t want the poster to look like a bunch of circles and triangles. I ended up using my cursor as a drawing tool, and I like the effect it made. However, I’m looking forward to gaining skills in Illustrator so I can make more advanced forms and not have to rely on drawing.


Exploring Adobe Aero

Pulpy’s Daydream

As I began exploring the existing assets in Adobe Aero, I was immediately drawn to the “Directable Characters.” As I found out, there are limits to what you can direct Pulpy to d0–or maybe I’m just not great at directing? I was excited when I was able to get pulpy to walk toward the chair, but getting him to sit in it? I was disappointed to find he wouldn’t do that. Because he wouldn’t sit, I made a distraction for him–his laptop appearing and pinging him with and exclamation point.

But I din’t have any available interactions for him at the laptop, either, so I made him a floaty, daydream object–the ship sailing in. One of the few things the directable characters are able to do is “follow” so I had him follow the ship as if he were more interested in the daydream than his emails.

I wanted to have pulpy spin around, but the characters can’t do that. I think Adobe Aero could make the characters a lot more fun to work with if they had more interaction options with other objects and could behave in the same ways that the other objects do.

The error sign that pops up when you try to make characters do fun things like spin.

I initially had a lot of trouble getting elements to show up/stay hidden, especially staying hidden at the beginning of the sequence. It took some trial and error to figure out how to set the timings for things so that they didn’t show up at all in the beginning and only entered the way I wanted them to.

And then when I went to try the AR experience, I think my apartment was too cramped for it to work properly. I initially thought I could get it to play out in miniature on the table in front of me but then I realized Pulpy and his chair were behind me. I was able to see most of it when I stood up and backed up but I’m excited to try it tomorrow in class where we will hopefully have more room.


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