
“S” in the Wild


International Job Prospects: AndalucĂ­a

This job looks like a fun, entry-level design position on a team in Andalusia, Spain.

I think it would be fun to live in Spain for a bit because I speak Spanish and it would be a great opportunity to learn about another part of the world and get out of my routing. It pays $30-$40/hr which, sadly, is more than I’ve ever made so that sounds nice. It’s also 20 hr/week which would give me lots of time to explore Spain.

It would be tough to leave Seattle for a long-term position. My partner and I both live here, and I own a coo-op apartment that I can only rent out for 1 year total over my lifetime of owning the unit. I’ve been thinking about using that year to live and work abroad but it would have to also work out for my partner. He’s a carpenter so he could possibly find work there doing that. But he’s also an artists so I think it would be cool if I could have a part-time graphic design job and he could spend the time working on his prints.

I would also love to spend time living in Mexico City but I was having trouble finding jobs there that weren’t listed as remote jobs for people from the U.S. I think working there might require more research into what design firms there are in DF and contacting them directly to see if they are hiring.