Posted on: December 12, 2022 /
This week’s Guest speaker AJ Hanneld, Creative Academy class of ‘17 provides us with a clear example of the crossover between Graphic Design and Visual Media fields exemplifying how both fields contribute to her work highlighting how both are connected and not separate fields. It was fascinating to observe the crossover between the design and the visual media world; in addition to learning that they are not separate from each other.
As well, as having an open mind to learn them and apply them to her work. In fact, understanding that both are collaborative is fundamental to showcasing a more cohesive work, and an essential tool to reach a wider audience on our work. My first impression of the guest speaker experiences and learning through the new media classes is how fascinating it is to learn various tools and software to make a design more dynamic. Is worth mentioning that learning new skills has been challenging but to understand that is important to make us well-rounded professionals, the idea of collaborating and gaining new skills is exciting. Learning how visual media and graphic designers make a cross-over opens the door to different perspectives, points of view, collaboration, and opportunities.
For example, for history class mid-term projects, we utilize video to showcase activism and protest in a documentary format. Not only I got the chance to learn LGTBQ+ community and the struggle that the community faced in history time, but also learn how to use the tools for production. As a team, we utilized cameras, audio equipment, lighting equipment, staging, teleprompter, editing, and After Effects. None of this is part of DES, but knowing how to use them made a difference in our presentation. The combination of all these visual media tools gives a little more sophistication to our project. It was fundamental for the project for presentation, and distribution.
For starters, I was not familiar with the visual media equipment that we used. The project made it clear that having an overview of it is important and will be beneficial for future projects. I’m absolutely curious to learn more about it and the many ways I can apply the various areas of Visual media. To begin with photography and video recording and continuing with Affect Effect. This experience made it clear how essential it is to learn this skill and provide top-notch work and performance.
Is early to say which area of visual media will be used in the future and how I will be able to apply them but the understanding of the skill and how to apply them will be pivotal in my present and future work. In all, with this experience, it is made clear how DES and VME fields are interconnected and are absolutely a must to learn and get familiar with. The project’s process and application of visual media have opened my curiosity for learning what other VME tools are out there that can enhance my work as a graphic designer.