Category : Uncategorized

Freelancer vs Part-time Vs Full time vs Agency

Freelancer Freelance is  self-employed and runs every aspect of their business, from the actual design work to managing clients and issuing invoices. They work with a variety of clients, on a range of projects. Rates charged by graphic designers on Upwork vary from $15 to $150 an hour, with an average rate of around $25

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There is various leadership principle that we get exposed to through our professional life regardless of the field we were working in was it land in the food industry or tech industry there is a commonality of leadership principle regardless of our position in the company. There will be many times when making a decision

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New Media

Fall 22 Mash Up Inspire by Paolo Tossolini’s mash-up concept, I decides to use After Effects, typography, and music as elements to describe my experience thus far in the Creative Academy program. I decided to mash up my comfort zone -music- with one of the classes that have challenged me the most- After Effects. I

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