My current personal project is that I’m writing a book / manual called, “Cinematic Exhibition for filmmakers”. I was a projectionist for 20 years and then the Technical Manager for the Seattle International Film Festival for 6 years. During this time I gained a professional level of knowledge about cinematic exhibition of films. One of the biggest hurdles to the job was that there was a very large knowledge gap between filmmakers and how films are exhibited in the cinemas. This book will cover the basics on how cinema projection works, best practices for preparing a video file for a cinema screening, and what you can expect to see on screen based on creative decisions you make for your film. I have talked to a number of filmmakers and AV professionals who are all excited about the concept of the book and would love to read it.
I’ve already completed about 75% of the first draft. I imagine if I was able to dedicate a fair amount of time to the writing, I could get the rough draft finished in a couple weeks. Then I imagine the text editing process would take another couple weeks, if all goes well. Designing the page layouts for the book would take the lion’s share of the time, so I’m guessing 3-4 months to do that properly. There are a good amount of graphics / images I would need to create for the book, so I figure that would take me another couple months to complete. Then I’m guessing another month to go through the final editing and printing prep. I’m estimating the book would be under 100 pages once it is finished.
Total timeline would be in the ballpark of 8 months…This is all assuming I am proficient in InDesign and Illustrator. As well as, fitting this work into my current schedule.
The only cost incurred would be for whatever physical printing and distribution I decide on. If I distribute the book completely in digital formats, the overhead would be very minimal.