Many people who know me would find it difficult to believe that I have failed to meet the expectations of others during my life. I know! ME! FAILED! Due to this fact, I had a difficult time coming up with a suitable example of how I have not met peoples’ expectations in the past. This difficulty was quintupled when I had to figure out what I could have possibly learned from such an unlikely scenario, since I already know most everything I need to surpass any and all expectations placed upon my head. What could it be??? What have I underperformed at so badly that I actually learned something? Pffft… Heck if I know!
Wait, there was at least one time, but I’m hesitant to bring up such a minor example of me learning from one of my “mistakes”. One time, at a job I disliked, I just didn’t show up for my shift and I got fired. Can you believe it?! I definitely learned to take the extra 2 minutes and call in sick, or make up some bullshit excuse as to why I didn’t want to go to work. I’m just not a liar by nature, so it did not occur to me at the time.
There is one other time that possibly might maybe count… It’s writing this blog post! I’m curious to see what I will learn from this experience. I’m honestly now sure that anyone actually looks at any of the content on this page. Pretty sure the only thing that happens is that someone counts our posts and MAYBE checks that the publish date is correct. Frankly, I would be pleasantly surprised to find out if anyone actually took the time to read this and give any feedback if this was indeed a constructive exercise and not just busy work that someone took 30 seconds to come up with. Happy to put in the same amount of time and energy that the SCCA puts into it.