My whole life I have been a very cautious person. I not huge fan of boats and airplanes but I have never let that stop me. Most of my family lives in Hawaii so to visit them I have to sit in a flying tube of metal miles in the air over the Pacific Ocean in a tiny little seat. Do I ever regret it? No way!! My people are in Hawaii and I always block out the plane ride anyways, yes I am the dramatic. That being said I am always over thinking and trying to make the best moves. So trusting the process is a little difficult for me, but I believe in the universe and I know that I will get to where I need to be going. I will learn the lessons I need to and I will be happy along the way.
Moving to seattle has to be a big trust the process moment for me and it still is. But if I never said yes to hanging out with someone, I wouldn’t have never ended up with this whole life I have created for myself.
I met up with a childhood friend for the first time in many years. He texted me out of the blue and asked if I wanted to hang out. I was on the fence because he could have easily been a creep but I decided to do it anyways. Turns out we had a ton in common. The one thing we had most in common was wanting to move north and not being able to find anyone who was committed enough for the change. In 4 months we were in Seattle. I said yes to the that one text and it kick started my adult life. I know live in my dream city, have my dream found family, have done a ton of traveling, and now I am going to school for something I am really passionate about.
I still struggle with say yes to things, but it is crazy that one yes can lead to a million of them and suddenly you’re not that beach bum kid any more but maybe just little bit at heart.