
blog assignment #9

I am a student of not only this program but of life. I want to create and be surrounded by good people. Because I want to experience this human life, find joy in the smallest things, and bring joy to others. I want to go all over the world, mostly to beautiful water. I would want to say I tried my best, I had a good time, and learned a lot.


blog-assignment #8

So I just watched a couple of this videos. Some of the topic are really thought provoking and some are just a bit click bait. the videos that I thought were going to be problematic ended up being very fun.

I am not sure what my question would be because I watched a lot of the weed smoking ones. It would be so fun to do a “5th floor gets high” video. We could have a drawing room, a snack table, and a movie room. That of course this wouldn’t work :/.

So this one is a like more weird but I think it could give us some insight about people lives and experiences.

“match the childhood trauma to the person”

we do it this a lot like the rate people from 1-10 video. Have everyone line up and have one person guess what story matches what person. If all goes to plan it would bring us closer… maybe. I feel like it would be weird enough to be on cut. It makes me comfortable but not too comfortable.


assignment #7

Nope I hate this. sorry but you can not love taco bell that much. if you are in the meta verse having a wedding and getting married to your partner are you both in the same room in reality. it is a way for people to connect across the world but I feel like the reason is just capitalistic. The meta verse is just Ad hell. you go there and buy a bunch of crap…just play club penguin. I am sorry but it is the least creative thing out there. People are acting like something like this has never existed. it just a way for brands to be in your face more and steal your money. No thank you not a fan. Stop it, go outside and smell some grass.

that being said humans are amazing in the way that be can make tech this cool. I just wish it was to better the planet. we are so creative but the wrong reasoning are fueling our drive. for some reason topics like this open up a huge can of worm for me. I a surround by amazing people every day that are working so hard to better themselves and working hard to better the future. and large companies that have the real voices are just doing fast food weddings in outer space. I don’t know if the meta verse is doing anything for the planet so could totally wrong. I am just salty and taking it out on meta. I need a shower after this post, sorry for the rambling.


blog assignment #6

I was offered a job to do a mural at a bike shop. the bike shop said they were going to pay for the supplies but that’s it. it would be an exchange they get a mural I get experience. Was nervous and the no money thing wasn’t appealing to me. I just used that as an excuse to not do it, I was so afraid of doing a bad job. the was early last year but still knowing what I know now I would have done it in a heart beat. Having heard what the guest speakers have said, if it is reasonable just say yes to stay that. this falls into the create and foster trust category, I just told them no thank you. I don’t think I burned that bridge but I feel weird going in there. That could have lead to me doing more stuff for that company but I told myself I was ready, so I also didn’t trust myself. I have learned that you will never be “ready” you just got to do it.


blog assignment #5

My top three hard skills are mostly sales, illustration, Adobe software knowledge. With sales, it is easy for me to tell a story with the products and immerse costumers. I can upscale too but not in a scary pressure way. I ease into it and make people feel important. Illustration has been an apart of my life for along time, I am self taught and have college experience. Adobe software is a great skill to have, just another thing that looks good on a resume.

My top three soft skills are decision-making, adaptability, creativity. I chose decision-making because I can way my opinions well and have intuition that comes with experience. when it comes to adaptability I can make friends and connection very easily, therefore I get use to new work environments very easily. I also grew up with tech, I can learn use software programs quickly. Because I just been exercising my creativity for as long as I can remember, coming up with new ideas and hacks is a hobby for me. That makes me reliable or any team, design driven or not.

Two soft skill I would like to work on are time-management and organizational. The program is already forcing me to learn all this stuff. It is super hard for me to keep track of all the tasks I need to complete. I took up writing todo lists, I find it way better than a digital planner. I like have a note book next to my computer for notes, plans, and just working out thoughts. That has been helping me but it still need a lot more discipline. I also have been finding it hard to manage my time over all. just be able to sort out my tasks would be huge. it’s just a lot.

two hards skills I would like to work on are management and editing. I would like to be some kind of manger one day, be the head of a team. help with managing tasks and scheduling people. so it would be nice to learn what is important to know and how to be a good manger that someone can feel supported by and comfortable around. lately I have been really enjoying my new media class that involve video editing and aftereffects. I think it unlocked a new hobby for me and I want to immerse myself in more of the film industries. it is a new way for me to express myself and it is exciting.