
assignment #7

Nope I hate this. sorry but you can not love taco bell that much. if you are in the meta verse having a wedding and getting married to your partner are you both in the same room in reality. it is a way for people to connect across the world but I feel like the reason is just capitalistic. The meta verse is just Ad hell. you go there and buy a bunch of crap…just play club penguin. I am sorry but it is the least creative thing out there. People are acting like something like this has never existed. it just a way for brands to be in your face more and steal your money. No thank you not a fan. Stop it, go outside and smell some grass.

that being said humans are amazing in the way that be can make tech this cool. I just wish it was to better the planet. we are so creative but the wrong reasoning are fueling our drive. for some reason topics like this open up a huge can of worm for me. I a surround by amazing people every day that are working so hard to better themselves and working hard to better the future. and large companies that have the real voices are just doing fast food weddings in outer space. I don’t know if the meta verse is doing anything for the planet so could totally wrong. I am just salty and taking it out on meta. I need a shower after this post, sorry for the rambling.

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