
Ar card

thank you for existing

lately I have been experiencing a lot of trauma with my grandma passing away and my boyfriend falling off a cliff. Thankfully my boyfriend survived and with the amazing support of our friends and families it has been ten times easier too get back on our feet. I don’t know how I would be able to do this on my own. I am extremely grateful of all of lessons I have learned and all of the sweet memories of my grandmother. I waited to make a card to reflected the love I feel for the people I have met and for those I haven’t yet met. Life is a precious thing.


Ar Poster

Ar is something new to me so I wanted to approach it in a new way. I have never really animated before and I wanted to try to bring one of my drawings to life. This project was a big learning experience. I learned new things about my computer and tested my patience. The animation came out super fast and I knew I needed to add more frames to make it smooth. Since I animated in procreate I could only have so many frames, I had to split up the animations into two files and then combine them on my computer later. I was going to copy the images to add more frames but the ended up being easier said than done, I had to live with the fact that my animation was fast. The images were all transparent and it messed up the movement of the eyes. I add a white background to all the images and then promptly deleted half of my work. AHHHHHHH! but good thing I had it saved on my computer, So I could still open it in photoshop and fix it there.

the start of the poster
how it ended up