
Can I survive in Melbourne as a graphic designer?

I will answer the question first: YES!

I always want to move to Australia one day. One of the biggest reason is the weather and nature is nice and beautiful. Also, it’s only 8 hours flight from Australia to China, comparing to the 15hrs flight from USA to China, it’s closer, so it will be easier for me and my family to visit each other.

I searched the jobs on The Design Kids. I know I want to be a brand graphic designer or a motion graphic designer in the design studio, I want my job to be in-person or hybrid. Because the living expenses are cheaper in Melbourne than Sydney, and Melbourne is such a chill and sweet city, I think I will move to Melbourne. Here are some jobs available now in Melbourne.

And the average income for a graphic designer in Australia is :

And according to the 2023 data, a single person estimated monthly costs is AU$4,495, so I can make it through, but it won’t leave me much savings.

I also did some search on the design studios I might be interesting to:

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