AI Module

AR Panel Project

My team decided our point of interest would be coffee shops surrounding the Lake Washington area, showcasing events that might take place within these spaces. I created my panels in Figma and then exported the panels as png files into the Eyejack software, I also found a fun gif of a coffee mug dancing to place in the center of my two panels. My location is the coffee shop I work at on weekends and the event showcased on my panels are monthly educational events related to learning more about coffee and teas. These events are free of charge and completely open to the public.

Blog Post

Reflection (9)

A consistent theme I picked up on throughout my time listening to many of our guest speakers is embracing the unknown. For years I naively thought that my life would contain a series of events that would become a clear trajectory building a solid career for myself, and boy was I wrong. That may work out for a lucky few but many of our speakers didn’t have that experience and they embraced the unknown. That really resonated with me. They kept moving when something didn’t work out, taking time to process failures and pivot from there leading them to their next opportunity that would offer further clarity. That is what I consider true growth which deeply inspired me.

I do consider myself a lifelong learner and follow my intuition when it comes to deciding where I place my energy. With that being said, I think there are several routes where I could end up. I enjoy getting into the nitty gritty of developing a conceptual idea and seeing it to fruition, but knowing myself and my past experiences I struggle with day-to-day monotony and sometimes that scares me. Realistically I do need a lot of variety in projects to motivate and energize my creative well. I think I would like to work for a design agency that has a lot of diversity in projects, ultimately leading me to an Art Directing position. I often think about what I want to visualize when looking back on my career in 30+ years, one clear thought that comes to mind is never staying in anything until a bitter end and knowing when to move on. I know for certain I don’t want to look back and realize that I spent years of my life doing something that was not giving back to me energetically and only depleting my well being, or even contributing to something that doesn’t align with my personal values as a designer. So I would say trusting myself and my intuition is the most important factor in staying true to myself.

Blog Post

CUT Concept (8)

A concept that would be interesting to explore would be to engage people on the topic of gender. There are many perspectives on the topic and it would certainly create interesting conversation. It would illicit an interesting response because the perspectives will shift dramatically based on how people identify and their own specific background, whether that be where they grew up, religious affiliations or even parental values that were instilled. I think it would be wise to ask at least 20-30 subjects, along with collecting enough information about the participants background that could give the viewer a lead on how their perspective was shaped.

Blog Post

Metaverse Event (7)

The experience felt like being in a video game, I walked around the venue for a while and checked out the landscape of the area. I didn’t encounter many people, but it was fun to walk through the different experiences. That being said, I don’t have interest moving forward because there wasn’t much to interact with outside of just walking around and looking at things. For me it felt like I was in a video game without any purpose, if there was a game or activity that increased my engagement I would have interest moving forward.

I personally don’t think there’s much potential for advertising that would be impactful, largely due to advertising being broadly spread out throughout different apps and experiences. The only way UI could see it be successful is targeting a very niche demographic of people. Personally, I don’t get the point in entering a Metaverse to seek out that sort of consumption. As an entrainment tool, of course! Especially if they create more engagement with games and activities that give the user a purpose within the Metaverse.

AI Module

Ikea Place AR App – UI/UX Review

IKEA Place lets you virtually place true-to-scale 3D models in your very own space and make them appear as part of your world. Combining the latest AR technology and IKEA’s furniture catalogue this app allows you to visualize how furniture will fill a space with 98% accuracy. Users can browse through over 2,000 IKEA products on an online database, to make their selections. Once chosen, users must point the device to the desired spot in a room, then drag and drop the selected product onto the space.

I thought there could be room for improvement when initially setting up the app, I think it would helpful to immediately give the user a walk through of how to scan the space, select the furniture and place the furniture in AR. Even though this wasn’t provided it was relatively easy to figure out the features. I also found that moving the furniture around was tricky, when I moved an item it would be floating in mid air afterwards, so maybe a button to better navigate and place the furniture would improve this.

AI Module

Adobe Aero Card

I decided to create a birthday card because it was my birthday earlier this week. My idea was to incorporate a few of my favorite things such as animals, an horse and owl, both sensitive and majestic creatures. Along with a body of water to bring calming and peaceful energy, a balloon character jumping in celebration, and yellow tulips to represent hope. Luckily this project went very smoothly and I didn’t run into many problems, I did struggle to figure out the navigation of different angles but once I figured out that I need to click on the card from edit to preview mode I didn’t have any problems.