Extendo Shoes, have you ever had issues reaching high up places? Well those problems are now a thing of the past with Extendo Shoes. These incredibly high quality and assuredly stable shoes you can extend up to 90 feet into the air. Created out of carbon fiber and laced with pure titanium*. These shoes are truly some of the highest quality you could buy. If you want to be comfortable while reaching for items at the top of the shelf or really tall desk these shoes can do it. The memory foam soul of this shoes is more comfortable then any other**. Along with boosting an average run speed of 7.25 MPH, these shoes can help you in any situation that comes along.
Now some might ask, why are these useful to Seattle Creative Academy students well to that I say, in any way you could imagine. Not only can you change the connections on a rejecter or change a light bulb, you can also get beautiful photography shots of Seattle from a high up angle. All this at the low, low price of $9999.99.
*figure of speech, not laced with pure titanium.
**at same median price point, these statements have not been verified by consumer protection agency.
My product was a piece of tape, This piece of tape is meant to be standing above all others because it is on the apple box. The story that is told here is that even in the randomness of the world, tape will always be useful. There is also the motif of circles because tape is often rolled up in a circle. You can see this in the bottom tap, and in the top tape. You can also see this in the circle hole of metal floating above the top tape. Circles can represent many things in our society so having tape be a circle adds to the scene. The mouse and bike chain add to the scene because it makes it seem more in line with the rule of thirds.
The world that is supposed to represent is one of pure depravity, every piece of tape for themselves, This world is set after a nuclear war that wiped out 99% of Tapekind. The only ones that survived were pieces of tape that hid away in bunkers and ones on an orbiting space station. I was trying to evoke the feeling of resources running out and a story of how intelligent life is inherently self destructive.
The two Commercials I will choose are the Popeyes commercial and the drumstick Commercial.
Pros of the Popeyes commercial
1: It was semi funny with the dialogue and acting + it had an intersting concept with drone
2: I also liked the acting of the commercial as it was fairly high quality.
Cons of the Popeyes commercial
1: It had bad sound fx in it and that took away from the impact of the ad.
2: The food they showed in the ad did not look appetizing and appeared to me as a fried rat over chicken. So absolutely appalling that I would not give it to my greatest foe.
Pros of the Drumstick commercial
1: Eric Andre was fairly funny in it, along with some good dialogue it told an interesting story of a man on a plane.
2: It also had an interesting setting as it was on a plane and not many other Super Bowl commercials had there setting be on a plane.
Cons of the Drumstick commercial
1: The camera was not moving at all and the outside of the plane looked fake, this took me out of the scene.
2: The product the were selling looked incredibly unappetizing and not something I would buy.
2: Color grading log footage to get different moods.
3: Stop motion with paper.
4: Geo tracking someone’s face and adding 3d effects.
5: Recreating the school with photos in Fspy.
6: Making a motion graph in after effects
7: Mixing audio with automation.
8: Create a 20 second short film in blender
9: Learn the distort tool in fusion by making a horror film
10: Make a 1980s style advertisement
For this project I most like idea 10. The idea for this project is to create a slightly unnerving ad for a paranormal removal agency. This effect would be achieved by running digital footage through a VHS tape.
I feel like this would add to my portfolio because it has a unique style and vibe that takes a lot of effort to recreate. It would also be a good addition because it pops out compared to other digital video of the modern day.
The skills I hope to gain are better proficiency in using old tech and getting better at green screen and rotoscoping. These are useful skills in any project for the future and will definitely help improve any filmmaking I attempt to do in the future.
This is a proof of concept of a visual glitch that I can do, I want to combine this with real VHS damage to get an unnerving 1980s vibe to the project.