Collaboration is something that I believe my team did well. The first week was fairly slow in relative progress as our team was getting to know each other and going over the rough concepts of what we wanted to do for our Blender project but after that we went at a fairly lightening pace. I would say our team did a good job at splitting up the work, they came up with the script and story board along with the printing and all the design aspects of the shoot while I did all the film and editing elements. This distribution of work helped all of us to not be super under pressure as no one person had to do all the work. One thing I especially liked about our team is how we decided to split up the work. Everyone got to do what they liked doing, the graphic designers got all the set design aspects and I got all the film and post production aspects. This was one of the reasons why I believe things went as smooth as they did. The timeline of our process was first of all to find a concept that could combine all three of the sticky notes. It was the second most time consuming part of this entire project. After we found a concept that worked, the graphic designers started story boarding it and getting all the design elements ready for the shoot. I had to figure out all the equipment we needed and the location of where we would be shooting. After we that we started the shooting process, this took about 6 hours in total. It was incredibly fun seeing everything come together at the end. And after the film shoot was done I started the post production aspect, with input and help from my teammates. This was definitely a project I enjoyed doing, it was fun working with new people and seeing what everyone could bring to the table. I am incredibly proud of all my teammates and what we made : )