
Blog #8

  1. Freedom to express. For this saying I would make a poster. The poster would have a person made out of words and a background with smaller words surrounding them. The words in the back would be more negative like, for example, self doubt and anxiety. And the words in the front would be more positive like expression, motivation, support. The words would also be separated by color so the poster would have a greater contrast. And the words in the back would be slightly out of focus to signify the parts viewers should focus on.
  2. Freedom to explore. For this phrase I would make a 3D landscape. In this 3d landscape there would be trees and grass scattered throughout to signify a nature scene. In the middle there would be a metal box with an open door and a small window. Inside this metal box there would be a single person on a computer. They are seen by the open door reaching for a light switch with a bag on there back. This represents a place where anyone is free to explore where they want.
  3. Freedom from expectation. For this I would make a poster with a person holding up a huge pile of random things. These things represent responsibility and and expectation. Over this pile of stuff is a crane lifting it up off of the person. This crane can represent freedom.

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