
AR: Project 2

Overall the process for creation wasn’t too rough,

I chose pocky/pepero day due to my ongoing obsession with kdramas and manhwas, it’s a cute capitalist holiday where you buy and share pocky on 11/11. (11/11 due to how they look like the little biscuits)

it’s seen as kind of a young love holiday as well, hence the use of flowers and brighter colors 🙂

with the images below, I had the specific problem of trying to source all of them at once, without checking for the file type… all of these were jpegs 😀

ahahahahahahaha jpeg
just about cried when I realized it
very annoying indeed

One of the issues that came up during tutorial was people not being able to figure out how to get their folders to disappear in the beginning of the preview. The solution was as simple as hiding the folder from view in the layers panel before interacting with it.

I forgot completely about it

and proceeded to approach the situation with a new type of frustration and eventual doneness

I did in fact figure it out later.

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